Hostage:The Final Hours

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Lauren's POV

I woke up in a small dark room. My head was killing me. I reached up and slowly rubbed my forehead. I stopped mid-hair line and realized that I wasn't tied up anymore. I jumped up off the cold tile floor and on to my feet. I sliced my hands through the dark room, trying to feel where and what my surroundings were. I finally found the door knob and turned it. The door was locked. Of course. How could I be so stupid? A killer is not just gonna leave you in a room with an easy way out. I lay my head the the door and tried to think. Suddenly, the light flashed on in the room. I turned around slowly. I wanted to see who did it, but was dreading the sight of the person at the same time.

"Good morning sleepy head." Eric said

"Eric, where the hell am I?! And where is Sam?!"

"Ha! Funny you would ask. Why don't you follow me, and I'll show you where Sam is." He motioned for me to come by swiping his right hand into the air.

I was hesitant, but I came anyways. He took me around a corner, down a dark,  narrow hallway. I had never seen an inch of this part of the house. I had seen a lot the night Chris had tried to get me out of the hell hole. He stopped at a door further down and took out a key. I thought about grabbing the key from him and stabbing him with it, but I knew I would not win that battle. So I just waited for the door to open.

The door squeaked as Eric slowly opened it. He walked in, looked around the room, and turned a corner. I stood at the door, not yet stepping in.

"Well, come on now. There is no need to be scared. It's not a trap. I promise."

"HA! You say that after you almost killed me last night!"

"Well, you sure do have a smart mouth don't you"

"You bet I do", I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that? I think Mr. 9 millimeter heard something." Eric said as he turned around to look at me. I ignored him. "That's what I thought.", he continued as he walked in front of me.

I stepped inside the room and followed behind him. The room was a mess. Every 3 feet I had to walked over an open box of half eaten pizza or a ant infested bag of potato chips. There were knocked over lamps on the side tables and crooked mirrors n the wall. I had no idea what type of room this was. We were constantly turning corners. It went on forever. Finally, we made it to a little narrow part of the room. In the corner, next to the wall, was Sam curled up on the floor passed out. There was a wine glass next to him and he had his shirt off.

"Sam...." I whispered to myself. I stood in front of him with my mouth open. I didn't even know what to think of the situation. I turned and looked at Eric for an answer. He nodded his head as in agreement with whatever I was thinking.

"Your boy toy has been living it up down here with me, while you've been up stairs, crying over him. I never let you know where he was because he asked me not to. Because he was imbarres---"

"You lying!" I screamed, "I know Sam, and I know he would NEVER do any of that! He would NEVER let me go through HELL for 3 fucking days!"

Eric stood there and started giggling. "Well, I guess you just don't know Sam. Do you?" He walked over to Sam and knelt down in front of him. "I have a suggestion for you."

"I have a few for you as well." I said back to him.

"You know, I really don't appreciate the attitude. Just because your boyfriend is a liar and a fake, doesn't mean you have to take it out on me. Now, I was going to suggest that you wake Sam up and ask him yourself what he has been doing for the last 2 days. We'll see how he chooses to answer the question, and how long it takes him to whip up a lie that you will like."

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