Free Iwatobi Swim Club

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Aries: Rin

Taurus: Miho

Gemini: Rei

Cancer: Makoto

Leo: Sejirou

Virgo: Nitori

Libra: Goro

Scorpio: Sosuke

Sagittarius: Nagisa

Capricorn: Gou (or Kou whatever idk?)

Aquarius: Haru

Pisces: Momo



A/n: Yay~ I updated a new chapter (finally) and its been like forever because of school. Also i'm hoping get to update a chapter everyday, it will be hard cuz of stufflez but Haru shall try :poses awkwardly: Also sorry if you are a Libra (aka: One-Eyed-Prince) because i cant find any good characters to match your personality eh.

💫ANIME ZODIAC💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora