Chapter Sixteen

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Copyright © MarcyN 2013

All Rights Reserved

I would like to thank voldemortspancake  for my cover. It's awesome. Thank you MarcyN :)

 Angelo held tightly to Francesca as she slept. She had been sleep for almost an hour. While s leep seemed to be avoiding him  as his mind wandered over the events of the day. First he couldn’t get the word love off his mind. He was in no doubt that he was in love with Francesca. It was unnerving that someone else realized before he himself did but it didn’t change the fact that his heart belonged to her. Now the question was how did she feel? Neither one of them had actually told the other how they felt. How had that happened. Now that he knew that he was in love he realized that from the first time he saw Francesca in his loft that it was more than physical attraction. That made him act crazy and stupid at times it was love. The big question was if Francesca was in love with him. He wanted and needed to her say it. As the morning sun began to rise Angelo stood by the window watching.

 “Angelo did you get any sleep?” Angelo turned saw the worried frown on her face as she got up walking towards him.  Her baby bump expanding his favorite shirt, the one he had first caught her wearing when he met her. Stretching out his arms he embraced her pulling her close kissing the top of her head.

“No, I had a lot on my mind.”

“Is it the babies?”

“It’s the babies, our parents and you.”


“Yes, you.”

 Holding her hand he walked to the bed sitting down he motioned for her to sit on his lap.  “Do you love me?” Angelo could not take his eyes away from her, holding his breath waiting for an answer.  Surprise at his question Francesca placed her warm hands on face pulling him to her. “Yes Angelo, I love you. Now breath you silly man.” She kissed him with all the passion she felt. “Do you love me?”

“ Yes, I love you Francesca, more than life it’s self.” He knew his eyes were misty and he didn’t care. Francesca was actually crying. She did love him wanted to jump for joy. He was a husband about to become a father and his wife loved him.  

Giana had been riding around for the last twenty minutes looking for her mother. Anoid and  a little pissed off she finally spotted her sitting on a bench talking to a pilot. Take it from Sophia Papizzi to be sitting down somewhere having a conversation while her daughter searched for in the airport.”Ma what are you doing? I’ve been searching for you in this hell hole for the last thirty minutes.

Giana watched her mother stand she was were a red form fitting dress and the thing was Sophia still had her curves do to an intense works outs with a trainer three times a week. Her mother refused to get old even her  hair remained the same reddish brown of youth of  course now it came from a bottle but only the hairdresser , her mother and god knew…and of course yours truly.  “GiGi honey hello baby.” Her mother was on the prowl . And from the way the pilot was looking at her he found her attractive too.

“Hey, Sophia is this your sister?”He asked. Looking her up and down.

“No, I’m her daughter.”

“I thought you said your sister was coming for you?”

Giana laughed, her mother was trying to pass her off as a sister.” She got busy so I came instead. “ Giana put in watching her flirt with the pilot .

Her mother gave her a thank you look as she finished up her conversation getting his number They watched him walk away as the turned to head to the parking lot.

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