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"I love you, be good" my mom says hugging Lana.

"I will" Lana says laughing.

"Good" my mom says running a hand through Lana's brown straight hair.

I stay quiet and continue to lean against the garage door.

My dad comes up the driveway after he closes the trunk.

"All the bags are all set" he says.

My mother nods than turns to me.

I gulp, no mouth ,no sneaking out, etc.,

She pulls me into her chest, "Be a good girl" she says.

I hug her back, "I will"

She pulls away and smiles, "I love you"

"I love you too, Ma"

She kisses my forehead and walks back to my little sister.

"Well, pumpkin, I'll see you in a week" my dad says smiling.

"I'll miss you, dad" I say hugging him,

"I'll miss you too" he says.

"I love you" he continues.

"I love you too" I respond.

I back away and he walks back to my mom.

Both of them wave once again and than get into the loaded van.

"The babysitter will be here in about an hour!" My mother shouts from her rolled down window.

I nod, "Okay! Have a safe drive"

Lana and I watch as their car backs out of the driveway.

"Well, time to be stuck with 'Ethan'" I say.

Lana frowns, "I hope he's nice"

We continue to watch the car get smaller and smaller as it drives down the road and out of the neighborhood.

"He probably is" I say.

"Yeah, but he's a guy. What if I start my period or something?" Lana asks.


Wonder what's going up in the third grade classrooms.

I just laugh, "I didn't even know you knew what that is, and plus your in third grade, I doubt you'll get it"

She shrugs and follows me inside the house.

"We have an hour until he arrives so better make the best of our time" I say walking into the kitchen.

"You and him won't fall in love, will you?" Lana asks as she plops down into a stool.

I shake my head in disgust, "Ew, no"

Lana shrugs again.

"You have a nasty mind" I say as I turn around and open up a cabinet.

I quickly grab a cup and I fill it up with water from the faucet.

"I am going to my room to play Barbies" Lana says jumping off of the island stool.

"Kay" I respond leaning against the counter and drinking my water.

Suddenly my phone buzzes.

I reach across the island and I snatch the phone.

I look at it to see an incoming call from '💕Lizzy Boo';

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