Chapter 15

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Last time- I wait about six minutes, then get out and head in to headquarters. When I walk in I see....

                When I walk in I see a completely calm office, but that doesn't make me any less alert or relaxed. I walk slowly to the elevator, because my office along with the rest of my team's office is on the sixth floor, and this is a ten story building, that just looks like an old abandon factory on the outside.

                As I wait on the elevator, I go over in my head different strategies of escaping and different pranks I can pull. I have to be prepared for any pranks they will pull on Christina and me, mostly me. They are going to be as angry as hulk. Then I thought, what if they ambush me as I get out of the elevator or worse? I decide to get off the elevator at the eighth floor and take the stairs the rest of the way.

              As the elevator reaches the eighth floor and the doors open, I slowly creep out of the elevator on a crouch. Luckily for me, there was no one waiting at the eighth floor. The stairs are about ten feet to the right of the elevator, so I stay in a crouch . Once I reach the stairs, I stop and listen to see if I can hear anything. All I hear is a group of people to my left in one of the offices discussing one of their missions.

              I stay in a crouch as I go up the stairs careful not to make noise. I takes a while, but I make it to the top of the stairs, and again I stop and listen. All of a sudden my phone starts vibrating in my pocket. I carefully take it out of my pocket and look to see who it is, and it is Christina calling.

             I answer the phone and say, "What's up?"

             "Be extra careful when you come up," she says frantically, "they are on a rampage. I had to hide, before they saw me. We really ticked them off, especially Four, which is never good! What can we do?"

              I swear silently, "Well for one, relax. Take a deep breath," I say slowly while I think of a plan, "Okay where are you hiding?"

               "I am in a supply closet near the elevator," she replies, "Where are you?"

               "I am on the stairs," I tell her, "I got off the elevator on the eighth floor a took the stairs up the rest of the way. You called me just before I went into the office."

               I can hear her sigh in relief before she says, "Okay that's good. So, what's your plan?"

               I think for a moment before answering, "Well is your friend Will, I think that is his name, on our team?"

               "Yes, he is," she says, "He called me earlier asking if we were going to work today. That he wasn't because of the guys and that they were going crazy trying to find us."

               I nod to myself, "Okay then, here is the plan." As I explain the plan I go over in my head other pranks we can pull. I guess we will see what happens.


How did I do? Sorry I haven't updated in such a long time. School has kept me really busy, but I promise I will update more frequently. Thanks for all of your support, I am up to 20k views! If you have any ideas message me or comment and I will try to include it. Thank you again!

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