Coffee, Tea And Payment

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^Leo's slippers


"The answer is the same as the first 50! No!"

Dante stopped me at the cashier 20 minutes ago, not letting me pay for the door.

I said that he doesn't need to, as Abel will pay me back anyway, so there was no point in complicating things more.

But nooooo, he had to insist and insist and insist and now I'm yelling because he's the most stubborn man on this planet.

And seeing that I'm almost just as stubborn, we're not really the best match.

"Stop being so difficult and let it go!" I whisper-yelled, as I saw onlookers gathering at the commotion.

He desperately throws his hands into the air as he backs down.

"You're unbelievable! I don't get you at all" he yelled, staring me down, trying to figure out what I was thinking.

I hope I manage to keep myself an enigma for the rest of his stay.

While I was comparing door models, I ignored Dante completely.

I knew I was being a brat about the whole situation, but I didn't know how to react. I suddenly couldn't look him in the eye after that statement in the car without blushing.

But the feeling went away as soon as we started arguing, remembering just with who I was dealing with.

Anyway, during my appraisal of the woods and designs, Leo started chatting, noticing the awkward tension between us.

That was the time that I found out that they must leave in a month, as they need to attend a wedding in Italy and they can't miss the event.

I smiled to myself as I handed my credit card to the lady that was busy ogling both men.

I cleared my throat and she looked at me with the dirtiest look, cursing me for taking from her time with her eye candy.

Damn, if I wouldn't have seen them so much and knew what they were like, I would totally strip them with my eyes,just like she is doing right now.

I laughed a little, punched in the digits and retrieved my card.

"The door is going to get delivered to the address tomorrow at noon, between 12 and 5." The lady said, stealing one more glance at the 'sex on legs' behind me.

Well, I'll get home to release Abel from his guard dog duties, then I will read some book on my phone until tomorrow when my door gets there.

I know I won't be able to sleep while my door is an open invitation for any burglar to enter, so I'll just keep my trusty gun lighter near and hope that those extra hours of sleep from last night and coffee from this "morning" with Abel will keep me awake.

We got back in the car and it was silent on the way home. Even Leo had no more subjects to ramble on about.

As soon as they stopped in front of my house I jumped from the seat, throwing some words of thanks for the ride, not being able to put up with the silence.

I heard doors opening and closing behind me, thing that confirmed the fact that they were intending to follow me inside.

I push the door with my foot, looking around for Abel.

He wasn't in the living room, so I took my boots off, slipped on a pair of fluffy house shoes and started towards the kitchen.

I heard the floor creak as the two men stepped inside and I turned fast, stopping.

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