8. The Club

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I walked through the school doors, hand in hand with Heidi of course. Everyday, we got the stares but it wasn't the 'ew, that's gross' look.

More like the 'Damn, they rock' look. It was true. We looked good. I started wearing better clothing rather than wearing hoodie and jeans with the dirty converse. But nope, today I settled with ripped white jeans, a pink blouse and some sandals. My hair was in that braid with a bow on it.

I looked to my left to see Heidi smiling ahead, she was greeting a few people with smiles. Some people think she's that mean popular bitch but I could tell she's really a nice person, just has a lot of confidence in herself and in this society, if a girl has lots of confidence, they're considered a whore and selfish.

It was quite sad actually.

When we reached my locker, she faced me and smiled. We never really talked about that kiss back at the Cabin. To be honest, I don't know how I feel about it? I've always thought of myself as a straight person.

Maybe I was thinking too much of it.

But it's too sudden right now. I don't have time to think about sexuality. I may be confused, but there's a 100 percent chance I'm straight. I mean, if I wasn't, then why would I be desperate to find my man.

"I wish we could talk but I have cheerleading meeting so, I'll see you later." I nodded. She took a step closer and caressed my cheek. "I wish I could kiss you for real. Because I want to not because we have to make it believable." She breathed. I was lost in her chocolate eyes. What did that mean?

She pecked my lips and I know I shouldn't kiss back but something about her lips made me want more. She pulled away and walked off, leaving me breathless.

I sighed and opened my locker to grab my Calculus book. Out of no where, I was seeing black.

What in heavens name?

That's when I noticed there was something on my face. I took the paper off my face and there I saw it. It was something that I could finally do in this school. I wasn't the type of person to participate in things.

But this, this I must participate in!

'Anyone have dreams of becoming a singer? Well if you do, come join the music club! We have everything you need. So come in and sing your heart out!'

I had to show this to Reese. Her voice is amazing and she could actually become a big part of this club.

"Hey Nova." I heard the familiar voice greet me. "Reese, you're the person I've been looking for."

Rick scoffed. "Hey, Rick. How was your morning? That's all you had to say, you know."

"Sorry, but I really need to talk to Reese." I grabbed the poster and shoved it in her face. "Read away." I squealed.

"Music Club? You've only heard me sing once, Nova. What makes you think I'm qualified for this?" She asked me, with a slight smirk. "Of course you are. Your voice is beautiful. Everytime I hear it, I get chills." I could see the tint of pink on her face.

Rick gasped when he looked at his sister. "Oh my god, you made her blush!" I furrowed my eyebrow. "So what?" I asked.

Reese covered her cheeks. "I'm not blushing, just flattered you said that." I smiled brightly at her. "Oh please, Reese never blushes. Any girl she has been, they say something nice, she only says thank you. But she blushed when you complimented her voice. That's rare! Congratulations, Nova."

Wow, that was a surprise. She's never blushed around anyone? Interesting...

"Whatever, anyways will you join?" I eargerly asked her. She remained silent for a minute, in thought until a smirk was plastered on her face.

"I'll join. But you have to go with me." I glanced at her for a few seconds before laughing my ass off.

"Hilarious. But I'm serious."

"I'm serious. I won't do it unless you do it as well." She stated. Okay, now I'm just confused. "You said you wanted to be a singer but you had to overcome the stage fright. Maybe this club might help you out so I won't do it unless you do it." I was surprised.

She had this opportunity to join a club and she won't do it unless I do it. I have no idea why but that made my heart warm.

I sighed as I tugged on my braid. "Okay, I'll do it. But one single mistake then I'm gone, you hear me?" She nodded eagerly.


"Is this it?" She asked looking at a door that said 'Music Club'. Really Reese? "Well obviously, it says Music Club right here."

When we entered, it was empty but there was a few seats out so we probably had to sit. We sat for a while until I heard a familiar voice come in.

"Look who just walked in, the beautiful- Nova?!"

I furrowed my eyebrow. "Heidi? What are you doing here? You said you were going to the salon." I squinted my eyes at her. "W-well you said you were going to be busy doing stuff." She stammered on her words.

"You can sing?" Reese asked her. "Hello Reese and yeah I can. Just a bit though." Okay, what the hell is going on?

"Since when did you ever start singing?" I was really upset that I didn't know. But I don't blame her for not telling me. "I've been singing for a while but it was around when we stopped talking. Singing was one of the things that helped me smile again." Her head was down, most likely avoiding contact.

"Hello girls." Another familiar voice was heard. I turned around and I couldn't believe what I saw.

"Welcome to the music club. As you know, I'm Rick the founder of this club." Heidi only smiled while Reese and I looked at him, stunned.

"Excuse you?" I asked. "Okay before you kill me, I can explain--"

"So this morning you stood there, already knowing I was going to do this, and you didn't even bother letting out a hint?" I asked. He nodded and gave a weak smile.

Oh, I'm so going to kill him!


Picture on top is Lucy Hale who is also Heidi <3

So why do you think Rick set them up like this? You'll know next chapter btw.

See you all on friday <3

Bye mates ^-^

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