Not An Animal Yet

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"Maddie....Fritz wants you", Mark said shaking my awake.

I sat up and looked around the dark bedroom to see the black shadow of Mark in boxers and a shirt.

"Okay I'm up", I said in a low whisper as I climbed out of bed. I rubbed my eyes and realized it was really early in the morning as I looked at the digital clock on the night stand reading 3 am. I yawned and walked to Anna's room to hear bits of Anna's horrid coughing. I saw Fritz by her side.

"How is she looking Doc?", I asked.

"Not good I'm afraid, i have been with her all night and she coughed and coughed threw up and coughed again", Fritz stated. "She looks to have a virus of some sort",.

"Well crap... What can we do?", I asked.

"Nothing really, I mean I made her a cup of tea and have her some bread and a pill that should have kept the coughing at bay but it has not worked at all", Fritz said. "All we can do is pray",.

"Go get some sleep, you need it, I'll stay up with her", I said.

"You sure, you sure you will stay up", Fritz asked.

"Yea, go sleep in my bed", I said.

"Gee thanks Maddie I owe you one", Fritz said giving me a hug as he left the room. Fritz needed sleep because after what he did for me and the group the guy deserves some sleep.I sat up in the chair but accidentally fell asleep.
I woke up with a start and saw Fritz staring at me.

"Maddie you fell asleep", Fritz said looking me then at Anna. She laid motionless on the bed. Fritz felt her fore head.

"She is ice cold", Fritz mumbled. "She could be dying now",.

"She can't die from a fever can she", I asked.

"Of course she can, there's the yellow fever, the black pelage, the chicken pox, and others", Fritz said looking at Anna with cold eyes. "I just don't know if she is alive... I have no way to tell",.

"We can just carry her", I said. "Well Mark will at least",.

"We should spend the day here", Fritz said. "We can't just keep moving her",.

I looked at Anna and saw her eyes open.

"How you feeling Anna?", I asked.

"Horrible", Anna said. "I don't feel okay at all",.

Anna pulled up her sleeves and a dark red circle appeared.

"Anna what is that?", Fritz asked pointing at the spot. "Did you get bit?",.

Anna's eyes watered and she began to cry looking at the Mark on her arm.

"Anna tell us the truth", I said.

Anna looked at me with eyes of fear.

"I can't remember..", Anna said.

I knew she was lying, her face said it all.

"Anna", I said.

"Yes... It's a bite", Anna said.

"From what?" I asked.

"A zombie", Anna said.

I took a step back but began to think about how Mike died from the bite.

"That's impossible... By now the bite should have infected you", Fritz said.  "There must have been a defect",.

"So I'm okay", Anna asked.

"I'm not sure", I said. "Let's keep moving but I think we should tie you your hands", .

"I'm not a animal", Anna said.

"Not yet", Fritz said.

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