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"How do you like living here?" I asked Dinger once we chose our seats on the bus. I gaze out the window and watched all the people and buildings and trees pass us by.

"I don't know, it's nice." I heard his coat crinkle as he shrugged.

"It's very nice. What did you do while I was gone?" I trailed my finger along the glass as I breathed on it to make a pattern.

"Well, first I went to collage. Business major. I was in there for a bit then, Bobby comes up to me and says, 'hey, wanna rent a house with me?' I go sure! Now here I am."

"You sound like you're doing well." I continue to look out the window.

"What's up with you? All happy this morning now sulking?" He nudged my shoulder as I turned to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"There's so much lost time and now, I don't know what we are, what we're going to do, what I'm going to do... I don't have enough money to keep renting a place. I can't keep living in yours.... I'm gonna have to go back home."

Dinger throws his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. "Okay... I'll try all three.... 1. You tell me what we are, because I know I'll say the wrong thing, 2. We're going to do our best being what we are, 3. You're gonna stay with me, Bobby, and Rachel! What's one more gonna do? We'll find you a job, and you can live with us."

My heart felt warm and I my cheeks began to blush. "Thanks, Dinger. All of it. But, there's no more room in your house."

"Sure there is, me and you can live in the basement." I looked at him and his eyes seemed to be pleading.

I cupped his cheek with my hand and felt his warm skin as I stroked it with my thumb. "Thank you."

"I'd do anything for you, you know that."

"I know."
This may seem kind of weird; us not being together for so many years and then, Bam, we're all lovey again. But Dinger's my best friend, and I feel as though nothings changed, we are both still children at heart and believe our love is like a fairy tail.
"This is our stop." I pull the little cord that trails through the bus and sends a little "ding" that the driver can hear. Together we step off the bus and through the hotel doors.
Up on the second floor, I fumbled for my key then inserted it into the door. Swinging the door open, we we're both shocked at the condition my room was in. "I'm so sorry, I totally thought I cleaned before I left!" I did have some trouble deciding on what to wear.
I ran in and began to toss things into my suitcase.
Bras, panties, tank tops, pyjama pants, coats and more cluttered the floor while cosmetic bottles and containers piled up on the dressers.

"No worries, my room looks like this too. Minus the bras and panties."

I swung my head over to him to see him holding one of my bras to his chest as if he's gonna put it on.

"That doesn't even suit you, give it to me." I snatched it from him and tossed it to the suitcase. "I'm gonna shower, you can.... watch TV or something."

Dinger smiled and kicked back on my bed before I disappeared into the washroom.


What the hell is primer?
Why do girls always have so many hair bands?
What did she mean this doesn't look good? I could be a lingerie model!
Are her boobs really this big?

A click of the door startled me. I dropped the bra and hopped onto the bed. Out she walked with only a towel on.

"I forgot my clothes." She went to her case and pulled out some clothes. She stopped when she noticed her clothes all messed up. She left into the bathroom with an eye roll.

"What? I'm bored!" I shouted and threw my arms to my sides.

"Well you'll have another hour to poke through my stuff!" She called out to me.

....1 HOUR L8R.... POV CHANGE....

"What are you doing in there?" Dinger yelled a second before I heard a bang on the hardwood floor.

"Oh nothing, I've just been sitting for the past twenty minutes." I said as I slid my straightener down the last bit of my hair.

"Hurry up." He dragged out the 'p'.
I walked out to see him reading the hotel room service book.

"Let's go, I can't wait to go sell condoms!" I waved my arms as if I were excited.

"It's fun, don't worry."

"I'll take your word for it."


"This is where we keep the smalls, the mediums, larges, and so on." He walked down rows of boxes and walked past rows of weird sex toys I've never seen before.
"The best part of this job is when a guy comes in and tries to lie about his size, you know this one time-"

"I'm sure that that's gotta be a great story, but I think that's something to keep to yourself, okay?" I patted him on the chest then walked to the Employees Only part of the building.
Dinger didn't follow me.

....POV change...

"Man, don't you think it's weird?"

"Mmmhmm..." Bobby continued to poke through sunglasses or do whatever it is he does here.

"She was all happy this morning, now she's all moody. What did England do to her?"

"Well you know, Dinger, not all girls like to hang out in condom stores and listen to stories about... sizes."

"I guess you're right... but that's a funny story!"

"Yeah that was pretty funny."

Bobby and I shared a laugh before I remembered, "oh my god, I left Riley at the store!" I flew out and next door into the shop. Not seeing Riley anywhere.

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