Chapter-26 ~ Good Bye Harry Styles.....

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When I saw him on top of her I didn't hesitate. If I could have I would have beat the shit out of him. I look at Jennica in the hospital bed. "Harry, come on, you need to get some rest." Jennica's mom said. "I want to stay by her side." I didn't want to leave her side. I lean over and kiss her cheek. "Okay, make sure you get some rest. I'll be down in the cafe. Want anything?" I shake my head and look down at Jennica.

The doctor said that she had only a cut on her thigh and her panic attack caused her to black out. Ijust hope she wakes up. When her mom had left I pulled a chair up and sat there and watched her sleep. She whimpered a little and I held her hand. She looks beautiful sleeping. I look at those freckles and lashes. I feel the anger rush me. If I hadn't heard her Harry don't think about it. I lean over again. "Please wake up..." I kiss her lips and rest my head on her hand and close my eyes.  

"Harry?" I hear her voice and I look up. Her blue eyes look dull. But she's still the girl that I love. "Yes love?" She sits up a little and winces. "What happened?"  

"You had a panic attack after Ricki had attacked you. You fell and hit your head on the floor. Now you're in the hospital." She moves the covers back and she sees the stitches on her thigh. "Another scar..." I hear her whisper. "Another scar for me to love." I kiss her temple and she looks off into the distance with her finger brushing against the stitches on her leg.  


Harry was sleeping in his chair and I slowly crept out of bed. I couldn't just sit here and go in a bed pan. That just felt gross to me. After I wash my hands I creep back out and see Harry was still sleeping. I look around and find some sweat pants that my mom had brought for me. I try to be careful not to rub against the stitches.

I look back at Harry and he shifts in his sleep. I look and find a large t shirt inside of the bag next to where I found my sweats. I slowly walk out of the room so that I don't disturb Harry. I feel my socked pad the floor and I get all the way to the gift shop.

I see a sketch pad and a pencil. I walk up to clerk. "That will be 12.50." The clerk looks up and I go for my wallet to see that I don't have pockets. "Um, I'm sorry. I'll go put these back." I go to turn around. "It's on the house. But can I ask for an autograph?" I smile. "Sure..." 

I make it back to the room and see Harry was still sleeping. I didn't want to go back to sleep so I sneak Harry's phone since I have no clue where mine is. I unlock it and see a picture of me sleeping as his background. When did he take this? I shrug and look up pictures to draw.

I find a picture of Harry and start sketching it. I smile an hour later when I put the finishing touches down. "Good morning beautiful." I look up and see Harry stretching. I see the glimpse of his V line and bite my lip. Jenn, calm down. "Good morning handsome." He gets up to see what I was drawing but I close it. "I'll show you later."

He kisses my lips and I kiss him back. "So I have to stay here another day?" I ask. "Yes, but no worries I'm staying with you the whole time." I lay back and see Harry's phone vibrating. "Curly fries? Who's that?" Harry was blushing.

Lillie and my mom comes into my room and Lillie was on my phone. "Sorry I called Harry's number by accident." I look at Harry. "My name in your phone is curly fries?!" Harry had burst out laughing. "It was the first thing I could think of." I pout. "You could have put my name...wait is that curly fry tattoo about me? Never mind."

I roll my eyes and Harry laughs more. "I see you two are in a better mood." My mom says as she kisses my forehead. "I bought you a sandwich from the cafe. Don't worry it's the one the doctors go to so you know it's good."

Hello Delilah... ~A Harry Styles Fan-Fic~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt