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It was just past midnight when I woke up. I shot out of bed in furry as my last memories came to me in a flood. Zyn had stopped me from finding my parents. I seethed as I flew off my bed towards the door. I grasped the knob, not feeling the sharp, cold stone underneath my fingers. The door flew open so hard I felt the hinges groan in response.

My anger left me like a sudden gust of wind when I saw Zyn's pail face in the hallway. His expression was different. It was unlike his normal stone-like appearance.

"What did he take from you?" asked Zyn in an almost pained voice.

"What?" I croaked, suddenly aware that I wore nothing but a loose black nightgown.

"What did Saar take from you?" The emotion in his voice was tangible now.

"My parents," I told him slowly. Zyn's eyes narrowed, a sort of darkness filled them. "Zyn?" My breath felt frozen in my throat.

Come with me.

I gasped as I heard Zyn's voice in my head and before I could react, Zyn turned and started down the hallway. I blinked and then jogged after him, my bare feet slapping against the cold stone.

At the pace Zyn set, we reached the point where we bickered after the painful conversation with the King quickly. Zyn slowed to a stop and turned to face me; his lips were pressed thin.

"Can you feel them?" He asked in a whisper.

"I-" I stuttered, feeling the energy around me. I sagged with disappointment when all I felt was darkness. I clutched the sides of my nightgown and slowly spun around the hallway, expanding my reach in every direction. I still couldn't feel anything.

"I can't," I began, looking at Zyn helplessly.

"Try again," urged Zyn, taking a step towards me.

"Why are you doing this, Zyn?" I met Zyn's eyes, which were still narrowed and furious.

"I'll explain later," he grunted, his expression did not soften. I wanted to refuse and make him explain himself, but I didn't know how much time I had. My parents were the priority.

So I tried again. I closed my eyes and pushed to the limits of my reach, sensing the souls in each room. I took note of every energy in the castle from the sleeping royals in their grand rooms, to the servants packed in their small quarters, even the small pathetic souls of the various vermin scurrying through the place.

I roamed through every room, through every crack in the wall, and every locked chest, searching for something familiar, anything familiar. I was almost melting with disappointment when a small shock of light vibrated through my body. I gasped and my eyes flew open. My feet moved without my brain telling them to and Zyn was hot on my heels as I followed to light off in the distance. Once again, it was pulled me to it, beckoning me. The one ball of light soon became two.

Mom. Dad, I thought and my pace quickened. Then there was a door, the door the light was locked behind.


"Mom, dad," I choked as I sprinted to the door.


"I'm here," I whispered, an involuntary sob shaking my body. I cursed as I gave into the emotions that flooded me. My soul had been dying without their souls with me to keep it company. I hadn't realized how much I've missed them these past few weeks. "I'm so sorry. I'm here."


Another sob threw itself up my throat as I heard their voices in my head, voices that I didn't know I would ever hear again.

"I'll save you, I promise," I whispered at the door. "I'm coming for you." I moved to open the door, but a gentle hand landed on my shoulder, stopping me.

That's the King's Chambers, Zyn said calmly in my mind. He was right. I felt the King's soul behind that door, fast asleep. Along with two guards sanctioned inside the door. I've been so pleased to find my parents, that I let my emotions cloud my mind and not take note of the threats surrounding me.

My heart filled with grief as I knew my parents were just out of my reach. I'm coming back for you, I told them.

I wiped my wet face with the palm of my hand, then turned around and walked past Zyn, but stopped when I didn't feel him follow.

I'll help you, Zyn thought to me.

"Thank you," I said with a sniff. Zyn slid his hand into mine and walked me back to my room. 


"Wake up, Laika." A hand touched my shoulder as a soft voice called out to me, pulling me from my sound slumber. I shot straight up from my bed with a yelp, feeling terribly confused and dizzy.

"What?" I gasped as I frantically brushed my messy hair from my face.

"Oh, Laika," giggled Mercy. I scowled at her through my swollen eyelids, trying to look menicingly, but I only earned more girlish giggles from her. I shook my head with a sigh, but instantly regretted it as my head began to pound. I pressed my palm to my temple and I felt as if I ran into a brick wall.

"What time is it?" I asked, my words slurring.

"It is almost eleven," Mercy said as she pulled a pair of clothes from the vanity drawers.

"Eleven!" I exclaimed, my mouth dropping in shock.

"You must have been exhausted from your travels," explained Mercy, but I was still baffled. Not only did I hardly ever really sleep, but I've never slept past dawn before. I never let myself.

"The King wants you to wake up Lord Plianne and bring him to lunch so His Majesty can talk to him," informed Mercy. I flopped back down on my pillows and groaned.

"I do not possess the immense amount of energy it takes to deal with the Majestic One."

Mercy giggled and pulled the covers off me. I cringed as the cold air pierced through my skin and settled on my bones and I shivered.

"Well maybe by the time you get ready you will be up for it," she cheered.

"I am still not up for it," I grumbled as Mercy did my hair in front of the vanity after I had finished dressing. I wore a similar tunic to the one I wore yesterday, however this one had both sleeves and I wore a green knit cowl that wrapped across my chest and strapped with a buckled underneath my opposite arm. Mercy had pulled my hair away from my face and put it up in a high pony tail. I protested against it, but she was adamant in showing off my face. I could see the bump of it at the back of my head when I looked at myself and my face twisted in disgust at the rune that was in full few of everyone to see. It glimmered a mocking laugh at me and I looked away trying to hide my disgust.

There was a knock on my door and I prayed it was not Cress, but I soon realized that that prayer had been in vain.

"Hello, My Lady Laika," sneered Cress once again, holding my gaze for just a second before letting his eyes roam hungrily down my body. I grimaced, wanting to shut the door in his annoyingly charming face, but I restrained myself because Zyn stood with his mouth twitched, behind the disturbing Prince.

Hello Laika. Zyn's smooth voice resonated in my mind and I smiled back at him. I watched Zyn's face change from that small smile to a angry frown when he saw what Cress was looking at. I wasn't able to stifle the giggle that rose in my throat in time and Cress shot to attention.

"Is something funny, My Lady," asked Cress, his eyes narrow.

"Oh no, no," I said unconvincingly, holding my handing over my mouth to hide my smile.

"No matter," Cress with one glare over his shoulder at Zyn. "Shall we?" Cress held out with arm, like he had done before, for me to take.

I'd rather not, I thought to myself, inwardly groaning. But I responded, "We shall," with a tight smile. Once again, I walked past Cress and down the hall, not needing a guide to tell me where to go. 

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