But I Stand

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This is it. This is the end. I never prepared for it, how could you? Just when I think I understand someone the universe finds the funniest way to tell me I know nothing at all. 

His lips are still against mine. 

It's been how long since I've done this? See, I can't even remember, that's how long it's been. 

He put his hands on my shoulders and guided me off my chair and to the floor, kissing me the entire time. Once we were on an even playing field he laid me down, placing both his hands at the sides of my head. He pushed his face more into mine, biting at my mouth with his. I placed both hands around his shoulders, pulling myself up into the kiss. I felt him grin, 

"It only took you, how long?" he laughed 

I blushed, "Surely, I don't know what you mean..." I stood up wiping my mouth 

He looked disappointed, "I'm sorry..."

"For what?" 

"I should have asked, I should have never done it without asking first. But-"

I stared at him. 

"I couldn't help myself... And I feel so shitty about it, you probably think I'm the biggest jerk alive right now."

I thought about it, "No I think I can name a few worse ones." 

I will never understand the rules that humans have. Look both ways before crossing the street, take your hat off indoors, always tip 20%. For some reason I have a feeling that this rule is different from the rest. This rule holds more power, and I really like that. Demons take whatever they want whenever they want, never bothering to ask or care about the other party, so long as it pleases them. That never sat right with me. I like this human rule. 

"Well I didn't know there was rule, so really it's my fault." I shrugged picking up my cup and walking to the sink

"What- No, it's not your fault. Nothing like that is ever your fault. It's mine, and mine alone. I pressured you into it."

I turned around to be face to face- well neck to face, with him. I knew he was following me, but I had no idea it was this closely. 

"So let's do it again."


"Yes." I closed my eyes and leaned against the sink

"You're sure? I can-"

"For the love of- Come on Mason just kiss me already." 

He slammed his hands on the counter and kissed me roughly. This kiss was different and way better than the first. This kiss was better because there was no guilt behind it. I wrapped my hands around his neck and he lifted me on to the counter. There was a moment when we kissed so passionately that we both ran out of air and we had disconnect, taking shaky breaths. 

"You know- I didn't think- you'd be so good at it."

"What makes you think that?"

"Well the first time- the first time-...Why am I the only one out of breath?"

"I uh... I was sitting the whole time."

He nodded, "Right. Well-- the first time you didn't-"

I put my hand over his mouth, "Ignore the first time. Focus on this time." 

He nodded and with my hand over his mouth this breathing eventually returned to normal. He kissed my hand and I uncovered his mouth. 

We stared at each other both with a look that could be taken as "what now?" or "what is this?"

In the dim lighting of the shop with the faint aroma of coffee in the air, I hopped down from the counter and hugged him tightly.

"Yeah..." he started, "I dont know either..." 

Sweater Weather~BillDip fanfiction (BoyxBoy) UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now