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America was with all the other countries at the Christmas party. He was eating a candy cane, and watching everyone happily. Finland who was dressed like Santa jumped around happily.

"Yay it's Christmas! Yay ha ha!" He exclaimed throwing presents to everyone.

Sweden smiled a rare small smile at how happy his 'wife' seemed to be.

"Germany Germany! Open my present first!" Italy yelled to Germany who also seemed unusually happy.

"Alright Italy calm down." He replied taking the present.

"I never asked for present so thank you, don't think this means I got one for you!" China yelled at a smiling Russia.

"Ok." He replied simply turning his head to the side.

China shoved a red box into his arms blushing slightly. "I said don't think not that I didn't get you anything."

Russia smiled pulling him into a rib crushing hug.

"Ow let me go you dumb Russian!" China yelled.

America laughed to himself and turned his attention to Greece and Japan.

"Merry Christmas Japan." Greece greeted quietly.

"And to you." Japan bowed to him. "I got you a present." He said pulling out a pair of neko(cat) ears with Christmas lights on them, and put them on Greece's head.

"Awe thank you Japan." Greece said happily. "I didn't get you anything this good, but I got you something to."

"What is it?" Japan asked politely.

"This." Greece kissed Japan's cheek.

Japan turned tomato red, but kept his composer, and smiled "Thank you Greece."

"Merry Christmas Romano!" Spain shouted.

"Yeah yeah merry Christmas you big jerk." Romano said grumpy as usual.

Spain threw a Santa hat into Romano's head and hugged him. "Come on Romano it's Christmas smile."

Romano's lips curved up slightly, and he hugged Spain back. "Fine, but only because it's Christmas."

"Alright I'm so awesome!" Prussia slurred loudly carrying a mug of beer. "Hey Hungary *hic* how about a kiss?"

She scoffed. "Ew Prussia no you're drunk." She yelled angrily.

"Oh so *hic* it'd be a different story if I *hic* were sober." He asked raising a brow and leaning on the table she was sitting at.

Her cheeks reddened slightly. "No that's not what I said!" She yelled.

"Yeah *hic* ok little *hic lady." He lost his balance and crashed to the floor taking Hungary with him.

"You dumb idiot!" She yelled hitting him with the closest object which just so happened to be a frying pan.

He lay unconscious on the floor his eyes spinning, and slurring things in his sleep.

Austria sighed, and went back to his book muttering something probably unfriendly about the two of them.

"Hey America!" France said causally walking up to him. "You're under the mistletoe." He smirked and started to lean in.

"No way you perv." America shoved the rest of his candy cane into France's mouth. He then ducked away and purposely tripped the nearest person, who happened to be Canada, into France.

France smirked pulling out the candy cane, and Canada blushed.

America scanned the room looking for someone in particular. Hm where's England?

"He didn't come." Sealand told him knowing exactly who America was looking for.

"Why?" America asked.

Sealand just shrugged. "I don't know why don't you go ask him that?" He walked away.

America left the crowded building, and made his way to England's house.


England was walking around his block. It was Christmas, but he decided not to go to the party. Call me a Scrooge if you want, but I don't feel like hanging out with a bunch of idiots. He thought. The real reason however was because he had another nightmare. He'd been having them for weeks, and they were all slightly different, but they all had the same general concept. America was trying to kill him saying such terrible things to him. They were terrifying, and he didn't know if he could look at America's face without being afraid. He let out a sigh as he stopped in front of his house, his breath visible in the cold air.

"Iggy!" He heard someone call.

Wait a second there's only one idiot who would dare call me that. "America?" He looked up in confusion, only to be engulfed in a big hug.

"Merry Christmas Iggy!" America shouted.

"America?!" England shouted getting flustered and pushing him off. He looked down. "Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I came to ask why you didn't come to the party." America explained.

"Well there's no reason really. I just didn't feel like going." He lied still not looking up at America.

"You're a bad liar." America smirked. "Why aren't you looking at me."

"It's nothing I'm fine." England shuffled awkwardly. He yelped as America suddenly grabbed his right wrist, and pulled him toward him. He snapped his eyes to America's face in fear. No is this another nightmare. Suddenly he noticed the mistletoe that America was holding above both of them. The next thing he knew America pressed his lips against his. He widened his eyes in shock, and felt his face heat up.

America pulled away after awhile leaving England in a daze. "Haha merry Christmas England!" He smiled brightly.

England stared up at America. His blue eyes sparkled, and a kind smile was on his face. No this isn't the America from my dreams. This is my America, the real one. The one I raised to be sweet, kind, and strong. The one I love. A slight smile tugged at his lips. "Merry Christmas America."

America laughed throwing away the mistletoe, and wrapping his arms around England's waist, pulling him into a deeper more loving kiss.


Hey guys here's another Christmas one. I'll probably post more soon, so merry Christmas from me! Voting and commenting would be the best Christmas present ever, bye!

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