Chapter 12

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"So you're looking for wolves?" I pieced together as we arrived at the shabby looking bar. "You're building a new species, aren't you?"

"That's the plan," he smirked. He began to open his door and get out. "Are you coming or not?"

I glared at him as I got out. We walked inside, and I immediately felt out of place. Huge bikers walked around. I was immediately being looked up and down, which seemed to upset Klaus just as much as me.

"Compel them to go along with what's about to go down," he ordered me. I only complied due to the fact that I wanted these men to stop eye raping me. I moved on from each man one at a time rather quickly. I finally finished and joined Klaus as he talked to some man at the bar. "Not so fast, mate. You just got here and your kind are very hard to come by."

Ray began to try to escape, but he quickly was stopped by me. His eyes widened as he saw me. I grabbed his shoulders, spinning around and pushing him back to Klaus. Why was I even helping him? I have no idea.

"Vampires," Ray muttered.

"You're swifty swift Ray! Yes! My friend here is a vampire. She has compelled everyone here in the bar so don't turn to them for help. Now I am a different kind of monster. I've got some vampire. I've got some wolf."

"You what?" Ray asked in horror.

"A hybrid Ray! I'm both. Now you see, I want to create more of me. Now you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon, pun intended Ray, I need you to direct me to your pack, Ray. So, where are they?" He questioned.

"You can't compel me. It won't work."

Klaus gives me a look and I nod. I felt so guilty for doing this, but I knew Klaus was going to make me either way. I hadn't had vervain in days. He could easily compel me.

"Can you bring out the darts please?" I asked the man at the bar before turning back to Ray. "Now we're going to play a little game of truth or wolfsbane." Ray eyes the pouch of wolfsbane that I pulled out of my pocket.

"Oh, this is gonna be fun, Ray," Klaus laughed.


"Hello Mr. Klaus. I have some information for you. You told me to tell you if I saw anything. I saw the guys spotted Damon at the farm house," A girl approached us.

"Well thank you Claudine. You tell your friends to keep up the good work," Klaus smiled before turning to me with a sneer.

"Damon is on our trail?" I asked in confusion.

"Thought I told you not to tell him you were coming with me?"

"I didn't. He just assumed that I was. Or perhaps Stefan told him. I swear I didn't."

"He's getting closer. I'm gonna have to do something about that," he looked away maniacally.

"No, Klaus! Let me handle it!" I begged.

"Why should I let you leave?"

"Because I'll come back," I promised.

"And how do I know that you're not lying?"

"You don't. You just have to trust me."


"Yeah, uh huh uh huh. Bye," Andie waves to the man passing by before going back to her phone conversation. "Okay, I-I am the last person here again."

Then I flip the light switches, leaving her alone in the dark. I can hear her heartbeat speed up, and her breathing as well. Nevertheless, she begins walking to the next studio.

"Days of work, can we please do this later? I have a party to get to, and you've gotta get a life! Okay, bye bye!" She grabs the bag from her feet before turning around. Then I flip on the spotlight. "Hello? Not cool. My retinas are burning."

I begin to feel terrible as she steps away and I follow her with the light. She immediately cups her eyes with her hands. Her heart is beating like crazy, paranoia setting in.

"Okay seriously who'd— what are you doing?"

I shut the light off, taking a deep breath. I had to do this. It was the only way to get Damon off of my case, despite I might be ruining the best friendship I have ever had.

"Hello? Hello?" Andie was frozen in fear. Then she took off running, not seeing where she was going. She tripped over a wire, sending her into the floor. I flip the light back on, and Andie stands back to her feet and runs. I easily appear in front of her. "Oh Maddie! What are you doing here? We've been looking everywhere for you!" I just stare in response. "Maddie?"

Her heart is racing and her breathing staggered. She is completely terrified as the veins pop from under my eyes. Her screams echo the empty room. She is hopeless.

Then I got to work. After I had finished, I waited patiently for Damon to show up. The sound of footsteps caused me to smile. I had missed him so much, but he couldn't know that.

"Andie?" Damon called out playfully. His phone began to ring. He fished it out of his pocket before answering. "Party central." I decided not to listen in on his conversation. "Uh...By the punch bowl." He continued to look for his girlfriend. "Okay okay. I gotta go... Break up beer pong." He hung up he phone stepping into the studio, finding me. "Maddie."

"Hello Damon." Damon begins to run towards me to hug me, but I move last minute, keeping my lips pressed in a straight line. "You need to quit following me. You're causing some trouble."

"With who? Klaus? We're supposed to care what he thinks?" Damon asked angrily.

"What you're supposed to do is let me go."

"Maddie this isn't you. There's a birthday girl at home who would love to see you again."

"Maybe I haven't made my point clear enough. Hey Andie, you still there?" I smirk.

"Andie?" Damon says in confusion.

"D-Damon? I can't move, Damon. She told me that I can't move," she answered shakily. She is standing on the ledge of the rafters.

"No no no! Stay calm Andie! Not cool Maddie!"

"Aw, come on. It's a little cool, isn't it?" I laughed. "Fine. Hey Andie, you can move now."

"No no no NO!" Damon yells in horror. I rush towards him, pinning him against the wall. Andie falls to the ground, neck cracking. I grab Damon's neck, holding him up by it.

"I said let me go," I scream into his face. I let him go and he speeds over to his girlfriend. I watch him, feeling my heart burning with guilt. Tears spill over as I quickly vamp out.

My Little Wolf ♛ Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now