Chapter 6

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It has been a month since he has been in the group. Minty made more friends. Docter,Talia,Ariana,Elijah and many more.
Minty POV
I feel like its time for me to talk. I feel so comfortable being with this group. But what if they dislike my voice. I shook that thought put of my head. They love you. I wanted to tell Momo. But I want to surprise her. I tugged Michael's jacket. He looked at me "yes?" He said. I pulled him away from the group. I took out my notepad. I wrote. "I feel quite comfortable with the group. I want to talk and tell everyone how I feel about them but i'm scared of talking." He read it. "Minty they wouldn't dislike your voice. If they like you for your personality. Even if you don't talk we will still love you." He said with a smile. I smile a little. I wrote down: I want to talk on the end of this week. I really want to tell them how I feel. "If you feel if its right just go with it." Michael said. I smiled and we both went back with the group again. I can't wait to talk to them. "Mother please be happy for me" I thought to myself as I looked up.

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