Introducing Characters

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Rosie Kate-Hi I'm Rosie you can call me rose I love school I'm in Basketball,Softball,Gymnastics,Track And Lacrosse,Im 16 years old and I have 1 older sister.I have long brown hair green eyes and love outside!oh I also have dimples.(I know it doesn't show in the picture)

Allena Kate-Hi I'm Allena You can call me Alleners well that's what The girls call me.Im 17 years old I am most likely the Basic teenage girl I am in Gymnastics and Cheerleading I have light green eyes and light brown hair.

Evelyn Rose-Hi I'm Evelyn You can call me Evil well Rosie calls me that don't worry I'm not Evil I promise Anyways I'm 17 and I am just like Rosie we play the same sports and love outside except I'm 1 year older than her.I have brown eyes with Brown hair and yea that's about it.

Karissa Rose-Hi I'm Karissa you can call me Rissa I'm 17 years old I'm just like Allena We played the same sports I have blonde hair and kinda like the Creative one but not too the one who is creative is Rosie.Anyways I guess I'm done.

Skate/Nate Maloley-Hi I'm Nate you can call me Skate I'm 18 years old I also play basketball Evelyn and Rosie We play in Co-Ed(Boys And Girls).I have brown hair and brown hair.I have a little brother you will meet him in a minute.

Isaac Maloley-Hi I'm Isaac you can call me Uh Idk just Isaac.I'm 16 years old I play Basketball,Track,and Lacrosse I have brown hair with Green Eyes and dimples.

Crawford Collins-hi I'm Crawford you can call me Crawford I'm 17 years old I play the same sports as Skate And Isaac.I have dimples with brown hair and green eyes.I have a brother you will meet him in like under 30 seconds.

Christopher Collins-Hi I'm Christopher you can call me Chris I play the same sports as the boys I'm 17 years old.I have brown hair and green eyes well I mean that's about it.BYE!!!!

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