Chapter 40: Miss Mystic Falls Part III

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Holly walked hastily down the main corridor where all the Miss Mystic Falls contestant should wait. She couldn't believe that she had actually let Elena dragged her into this. She hadn't gotten Elena's hair and makeup as perfectly as she had hope so, but it was still decent.

She hadn't remembered the last time she and Elena had pretended to switch places, now she only hope that no one realized that she was actually Holly. Caroline was the only one waiting there, frowning and looking down.

"Hi, Care pretty dress, where's Matt." Holly asked, trying to sound casual.

"He had to work, so I have a fill in escort-"she gaped when she turned around. "Holly! Where's Elena?"

"Shh!" Holly hissed and made sure that no one had heard. "Don't say anything, Caroline."

"Replacements aren't valid." Caroline snapped.

"It was an emergency, Elena got sick, and she didn't want to forfeit, so I decided to take her place."

Caroline didn't look convinced, but at that moment Carol called out. "Miss Caroline Forbes, with her escort Jeffrey Lockwood-Hamilton."

"Elena, you're next." Carol squeezed her shoulder.

Holly nodded as she forced a smile. She could do this, she could be lovely and pretty and be a beauty queen for one day. "Miss Elena Gilbert escorted by Mr. Stefan Salvatore."

Holly bit her lip as she walked downstairs knowing that Stefan wouldn't be there and waited for the humiliating to begin. Much to her surprise Damon was waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs acting as if he belonged there.

Damon gave a curt nod as he offered his arm, escorting Holly towards the courtroom. "What are you doing Holly?" he murmured.

"I'm Elena."

"Fine, Elena where's Holly?"

"Tracking down your missing brother." She murmured and she saw Damon's jaw tightening. "What do we do now?"

"At this point we just need to get through this."

"I don't know the steps."

A slow smirk appeared on his face. "Should have thought about that before you jumped in. Don't worry, I'll teach you."

Holly stood next to the other girls, facing Damon. As soon as the music began she found herself memorizing the steps. With trembling legs she tried remembering the steps that she had helped Elena practice.

"Left, curtsy, bow." It took her a moment to realize that Damon was mumbling the steps. Holly threw him a grateful smile as he wrapped his arm around her waist and started slow dancing with her.

"Thank you." Holly murmured.

Damon nodded. "You're very welcome."

"Where's Amber?" Caroline murmured as the girls stood in the center stage after the dance. "She didn't show up at all, Mrs. Lockwood is pissed."

"I don't know." Holly admitted. "But I have a bad feeling."

"So without further ado." Mayor Lockwood smiled. "It is my pleasure to crown this year's Miss Mystic Falls-Miss Caroline Forbes."

Caroline squealed as the crowd cheered. "I won, I actually won!"

Holly hugged her. "Congratulations, Care."

"Did you find Stefan or Elena?" Holly asked Damon as soon as she was back in her own pale blue dress.

Damon shook his head. "But there was some struggle in the upstairs bathroom and that Amber girl is missing, come on let's go." He grabbed her hand and paused when Holly stopped. "What?"


Damon groaned. "Fine, she can come too, let's go."

"Stefan! Elena! Amber!" Holly shouted as she, Damon, and Bonnie walked through the woods in the back of the Lockwood house.

"Wouldn't it be faster with a locater spell?" Bonnie pointed out.

"We don't have time." Damon snapped. He saw a figure standing a few feet away. Elena, Stefan, and a girl on the floor. Oh, crap. "Stefan!" he walked towards Stefan and Holly recognize Amber's body. "Stefan, come on get it under control you can do this."

Stefan growled as he pushed Damon against a tree.

"Stefan!" Elena shouted.

"Stop!" Bonnie shouted as she raised her hand in Stefan's direction. Stefan groaned as he fell to the floor in pain. He managed to stand up as he looked at them with frightened eyes.

"Stefan, it's ok." Holly said quietly.

Stefan shook his head as he limped out of the forest.

"Are you ok?" Holly asked Bonnie as she looked over her shoulder, a small crowd had gathered around Amber while Damon put up a story for Sheriff Forbes. Elena had gone back to the party to get her stuff and tell Aunt Jenna that they will be leaving early. "You have been quiet ever since you came back."

Bonnie nodded. "It's just it's hard, I mean one minute our life is completely normal and the next minute you're hanging out with vampires and we're pulling Stefan off some girl-"

"What are you trying to say Bonnie?" Holly interrupted.

Bonnie bit her lip. "I'm not going to make you choose, Holly them or me, but please respect my choice and leave me alone."

"Bonnie," Holly protested, but Bonnie ignored her as she walked back down to her car.

Her cell phone beeped and she saw that she had one new text message:

Damon: We're going to lock Stefan up for his own good. Meet me with Elena back at the boarding house.

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