Chapter 9.

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Camila's POV.

"Is it always unlocked?" I feel Dinah breathe out slowly from behind me, taking a small glance at the steel grey lock. I shake my head, slowly taking the lock in one hand and placing it in between the frame of the door and the door itself.

"Somehow, only when I come out this late at night." I respond, getting a slow unsure nod from her, "Besides that, it's always locked."

Dinah stares at my strangely and nods again, this time seeming to think about my statement for a few seconds. I brush it off and motion all three girls to walk in first, slowly and quietly shutting the door behind me.

"Are you sure they won't see a damn lock on the floor?" Normani stresses, swallowing hard as she takes in her surrounding. I simply nod, walking down the familiar passage filled with dusty webs, unknown animals crawling past our feet, and the old, musty walls.

I can see past a few more moldy statues, being able to spot the black door with bold black letters carved harshly into the old wood: Jauregui

I turn to look at the girls behind me, still walking cautiously past a few objects with their wand clutched tightly at hand. I roll my eyes, "We're the only ones in here...besides Lauren, of course."

Dinah nods, "It's just a precaution." I chuckle to myself and slowly move them to keep up when we arrive only a few feet away from the black door. I turn around all the way to meet three uneasy expressions, "You guys ready to meet her?"

Dinah sighs, "What can I say to her? I don't want to make a fool of myself, nor do I want to upset her."

Normani looks down as well, "Yeah, same here." Ally agreeing with both girls nods slowly too.

"You won't upset her," I promise them, shaking my head softly. I reach in to take Dinah with one hand, Normani in the other and pushing Ally's small body with my center forward. "She'll love all three of you, trust me."

I slip past all three bodies and stare at the door for a while, feeling a bit nervous myself. I hadn't seen the beautiful green-eyed girl in quite a while, and I was almost completely sure that as soon as I would lay my eyes on her I would freeze.

Her beauty was just too much to handle.

I run the tip of my fingers over the knob of the large door, hearing shuffling from the other side as I turn to look at the other girls. I knew that I was only trying to stall as they waited for me to quickly open the door. Just the thought of her intimidating, piercing green eyes and that sexy unforgiving smirk coming face to face with me gave me chills.

"Well?" Ally smirks as she watches me heat up slowly, "Open the door.."

I nod, "Y-yeah...right."

I feel my heart hammer vigorously against my chest and I swallow hard to keep from yelling out in excitement. I wrap my hand around the old golden knob, slowly pushing the key lock and pulling the wooden door slowly.

Everything goes silent after that, even the shuffling on the other side of the door comes to an end as well. I can hear my heartbeat as I push the door all the way, feeling the girls' bodies pressed up against my own to see beyond the creepy room.

My eyes wander around the room and I finally spot her.

My heart leaps inside my throat before I can even manage to say a single word. My breathing starts to become uneven as my heart only continues to beat hard against my chest. I feel my lips tug into a smile when her green eyes meet mine curiously. I run my sweaty hands over my robe and step aside so that the three shy girls behind me get a full view of the goddess in front of me.

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