34 Uncle Doctor

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"It's a P, you stupid monkey!"

"I've said it."

Someone guffawed.

Yuna was slowly awakened by the noise. She lay on the left side of her body on a sofa. With difficulty, she turned on her back. There was a strange, musty smell in the air. Was she still in the sewers?

"By the gods! It's not that hard! Can you believe this?"

"Calm down, Kitsune-kun. Yuna is still asleep." That was Yoshiro's voice.

The blue-haired looked at her right hand, which was completely bandaged. With her left hand she touched the right side of her face, which was also bandaged.

"This is no hospital.", she figured. She wanted to lift up, but her right hand ached. She drew a sharp breath and blinked away the stars in front of her eye. Groaning, she sank back on the pillow.

Steps were coming her way. A dog peered through the doorway and looked Yuna right in the face. No, not a dog ... a fox? He had to be quiet large, because his head was about one meter above the ground.

"Hell. She's awake." A talking fox. He came through the door. Yuna thought at first that it was a big fox, but this one went on two legs and wore a Kimono. "How are you?", inquired the fox.

Yuna stared at him confused. Was this a dream?

"Yoshiro! She's awake!"

The Oni entered the room and stood next to the fox. "How are you feeling?", asked Yoshiro.

"This is a fox."

"Apparently, she has taken no brain damage from the attack.", said the fox and stretched a bill up to Yoshiro.

"I didn't bet with you, Kitsune-kun."

"Your loss, pal." The bill disappeared back into the Kimono.

Yuna forced herself into a sitting position and groaned again.

"Easy, girl. Your injuries are not healed yet."

"I can feel it. My hand hurts like hell."

"I'll get you something for the pain."

Kitsune fell on all fours and hurried out of the room. The blue-haired checked out the room. It appeared to be something like a living room. She looked at her "uncle".

"Where am I?"

"I brought you to a friend, so he could look after your wounds. And properly care for.", Yoshiro answered.

"What is he?"

The Oni shrugged and raised his hands. "A fox."

"I see that. Is he an Oni?"

"No. I honestly don't know exactly myself what he really is. He says that he is a Kitsune."

"I thought there are no mystical creatures?"

"I said that I don't believe in dwarfs and elves."

"Vampires and Zombies?"

"Haven't met any."

"Okay." The girl nodded slowly.

An old man walked into the room with a small bowl in his hands. He came over to Yuna and handed it to her with a smile. "Drink this, girl."

The blue-haired took the bowl from him, whereupon the man shrank and was transformed back into a fox. Amazed, she gawked at the creature.

"Hurry! Drink! Don't fall asleep!"

She lifted it to her lips, took a big gulp and spitted the brew in the face of the fox. "BAH! It tastes like piss!"

Kitsune wiped his snout with his fore paws. "I really hope that you've never drunk urine. That would be really disgusting. Quit your whining and drink it."


Yoshiro intervened. "It really helps, Yuna."

"You don't know what it tastes like, uncle."

Kitsune burst out laughing. "This guy drinks that stuff like water."

"He's right."

Yuna lifted the bowl again to her mouth and choked down the rest. "Water, or cola. Anything."

Yoshiro opened a water bottle and handed it to Yuna. She took a sip to rinse her mouth, then she put the bottle to her lips and drank in large gulps. She put the bottle on the table in front of her.

"Thank you."

"So, you took out Daiki.", said the fox, who had squatted on the floor.

"Daiki? The Oni?"

"Yeah, him. He still owed me money."

"I'm sorry."

The Kitsune waved his front paw. "Don't worry. I took something from his apartment, after I had heard, that he died."

"That's cruel.", judged Yuna.

"Did you bump him off, or I? If anything, you're cruel."

"Be quiet, Kitsune-kun.", hissed Yoshiro.

"Just saying." Kitsune licked his left front paw and wiped over his ears.

"Were you friends?", asked Yuna uncertainly.

"Friends is a bit exaggerated. Every now and then, we played some Hachi Hachi. Actually, he was kind of a nice guy."

"Was he ... a good Oni?"

The fox looked confused. "Good?! Girl, these beasts are demons."

Yoshiro coughed.

"Besides this wimp here. Yoshiro is even more human than most people."

"You flatter me, furball."

"F you, goat head."

Yuna had to smile. The war of words between the two was kind of exhilarating.

"So if you don't mind, I would like to watch my shows now.", Kitsune tried to get rid of them.

"OK. We'll go."

The fox turned to the blue-haired. "You were very lucky, girl. Without your power you would have been dead within minutes."

"Yeah ..."

"Be more careful in the future, or we're going to see us more often. I forgot how many times I've patched up the big guy here."

"And you did a fabulous job every time." Yoshiro praised the healer.

"I'm just a fucking genius. And now you bugger off kindly."

Yoshiro grabbed a scarf that lay on the table in front of Yuna, went up to her and tied a sling around her neck, so that she could put her injured arm in.

"Thanks for your help, Kitsune-kun." Yoshiro said goodbye.

"Thank you, Kitsune-san.", Yuna thanked.

"It's nothing. I've got a weakness for young girls, so please visit as often as you like." Then the fox left the room and the TV was turned a little louder. After a few seconds Kitsune started laughing.

"You've got really weird friends, uncle."

"In my world everything is weird. I will bring you home."

He led her through the apartment to a door, where there were shoes. First, the Oni slipped into his own, then he helped the girl into hers. After he had risen, he linked arms with her left arm and they disappeared from the apartment.

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