Chapter 2

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Caleb and I ended up staying awake for half of the airplane. The airplane was nice and had TV screens on the back of all the seats; even better, they had Step Brothers as one of the movie options and Caleb and I immediately selected it, reciting the funniest moments together, trying to stifle our laughter to keep from waking everyone else up. We knew Mr. Eidinger, our junior class' vice principal would be pissed if we woke him up. He liked us and all, but he needed his sleep to be in a good mood. When the movie ended, I looked behind me and saw him with his sleeping mask on, completely passed out. I looked back at Caleb as he looked at me with curiousness and I nodded in assurance that Mr. E was asleep. 

"Thank god," he sighed with relief. "I thought for sure we were going to get bitched at from him." He laughed and turned towards me, resting his back against the wall. "So Jules, you excited for all the hot Aussies you're gonna meet?" He smirked at me.

"Caleb, you know that's not my thing."

"Right, right. You wanted to come to get some fresh air and visit touristy things. Because that will definitely happen," he said, rolling his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said, looking at him with a slightly shocked smile.

"C'mon. We're going to Australia for God's sake! You're not one bit excited to see some tanned, toned boys with accents." He assumed that every girl was a sucker for accents, which was very true, but I couldn't have him know that for sure that it worked on me.

"Okay, okay. Maybe I'm a little excited, but hooking up isn't exactly my main focus. I actually want to learn." He looked at me with an unconvinced look.

"I swear, you are literally the only girl that doesn't want to have a fling this year." 

"What would be the point?" I thought this over plently: I would have to leave the guy and probably the only contact we would have would maybe be texting or some other sort of social networking. I didn't want to fall hard for something that I knew wouldn't last.

"To have fun! Jesus, even I'm gonna try to get some action," he smiled proudly. He knew he could get a girl with his funny charm within a second. It wasn't hard for him to get what he wanted.

"So when the year comes to an end and we have to leave and say our 'good-byes', that'll be it? You'll just leave and never come in contact with each other again?" I asked, testing to see what his opinion was on it.

"Well I mean, we would email or something. I don't know. But Jules, that's the point of a fling. It's not supposed to last. It's just to have some fun, which you've barely had." I looked down at my fingers, which I had been fidgeting with and knotting up the more and more he talked. I didn't like talking about relationships, mainly because I never had one and he knew that. 

"Hey, just don't be shy, okay? Just promise me you'll have some fun." He smiled a sincere smile. It was nice always having that someone around that wanted you to be happy. With the lack of attention my parents gave me, I mostly spent my time in my room, reading or rereading one of my hundreds of books.

"Alright, fine. I promise. Let's take a nap though okay? I think we're going to be landing in a few hours." As I fell asleep, the more I started to think about it. I wanted to keep my promise, but  I had no intention to do so. I wanted to have fun, but not in the way he was implying. As long as I was away from home, I would be having a grand time. 


We had a few days before school started to adjust to the jet-lag and settle in with our new families which we would be staying with for the next ten months. My family was a kind anf happy married couple and they were known as the Breyers. The wife, Mary-Lynn was twenty eight, about my height (five; five or maybe an inch taller). She had a slim, and curvy body. Beautiful, platinum blond hair that just barely passed her shoulders. Her husband, Caspar (he told me to call  him Cas) was twenty nine tall and broad with short brown hair that he spiked up in the front with gel. He was a lawyer, and Mary-Lynn was the head veterinarian at the animal hospital she worked at so the house was fairly large for just two people. The house was two stories, and was eight-thousand square feet. My room was on the second floor, facing the beach. It had a balcony with a lawn chair on it. I figured I could read out there when it was nice out, which was really all the time. I was expecting high eighties or mid-nineties but it was in the mid-sixties. It was without a doubt better than the hundred degrees in Mass.

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