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luke and ashton are 17

this is a 5 year time-skip but YA'LL GONNA GET SMUT WHY BOTHER COMPLAINING


luke's pov

 the end of our first semester was ending and i was fully prepared for my finals. "how do you think you'll do?" i questioned curiously as charlie and i made our way into the math class. she shrugged her shoulder as she took her seat next to me. "not as good as you, i'm hoping for at least a thirty because then i'll still have a c." she grinned proudly and i rolled my eyes. "don't aim so low, at least try."

"says 'i have straight a's'" she took out a pencil and the course began. 

the tests were handed out and i slowly started to fill out all the questions, checking my work in case any were wrong. in under fifteen minutes i had finished and people gaped at me as i got up and turned in my test. i watched as he graded it in front of me, pouting when seeing i had gotten two wrong. "ninety-eight." she entered in the grade and i sucked in a sharp breath as it brought my grade down a point. i now had a ninety-nine. 

"have a nice break." i mumbled as i grabbed my bag and people snickered from behind me. i left the building and walked to my car, getting inside and making my way home. 

as i started to pull into the driveway my breath hitched as i saw the boy i've been ignoring for two years now sitting out on the top of his car. he had a cigarette between his lips and i scoffed as i got out of the car. "you'll kill yourself." 

his head shot up as he looked at me. "two years and those are your first words to me?" he smirked a little as he took a long drag and blew the smoke in my direction. it didn't reach me of course but it still pissed me off. "doesn't matter, seeing how you've grown up now i'm glad i ignored you."

at first he looked like something shattered inside of him but he just kept the smile on his face. "i could say the same to you." 

he jumped down from the car and i swallowed my pride. he had changed a lot, his hair grown out and he looked well built. he was taller than me by at least five inches and towered over my five'seven frame. "still not going back to skirts?" he raised an eyebrow at my skinny jeans. "you have the body for it, especially now." he went to place a hand on my side and i shook my head and backed away. "shut up."

"thought you weren't the one to be rude? that's what everyone at school has rumoured." he grinned. "straight a's, never once cursed, still a virgin." 

"why does that matter to you? you probably lost yours at a bar." he started to move to the front door be he stopped me. "actually it was at his house, we met at a bar."

"same thing. " i grabbed my keys and unlocked the door, slamming it behind me and leaving ashton outside. 

both of our family's haven't talked since we stopped and it's going to continue that way. i rubbed my arm where ashton had grabbed to stop me and i smiled a little, quickly snapping out of it and dropping my bag off in my room. "i'm home! come love me!" i shouted and i watched my dad step out of the kitchen. "how was school?"

"passed everything, i'm so ready for this break." i sighed overdramtically and felt my phone buzz in my back pocket. i grabbed it and unlocked it, grinning as i read over the text.

[from charles]

there's a party tonight are you going?

[to charles]

do you think i'm stupid?

"i'll be in my room if you need me." i grinned and skipped off to my room, locking the door behind me as i stripped off my jeans and shirt. i stood in front of the mirror and smirked, staring at the lacey pink panties that cupped my ass perfectly.  i hummed as i dug through my drawers, digging under countless jeans till i found the countless skirts i had beneath them. i pulled out a black one and slid it up my legs, letting it rest on my hips smoothly. 

it rested at my mid-thigh, and if i bent down anyone would be lucky enough to get a show. 

don't get my wrong i do feel bad for ashton getting all the terrible blame that he was the bad influence but people just refuse to see we were our own bad influences. once freshman year had hit i met charlie and i told her about ashton. i told her how i used to wear skirts and she undestood because she used to wear boy's clothing in the seventh grade. later on i ditched my ways of trying to be the perfect child and fucked with life a bit. 

how did it come to this though? in sophmore year i had lost my virginity to one of the popular kids in school. it's cliche, i know, we had ran into eachother after the the final season of soccer and i was planning on meeting charlie after school. except for the fact that the two of us made a deal to always be ourselves around eachother so guess who was wearing short shorts and a crop top when that boy came in to the locker room? 

i threw on a plain white t-shirt and tucked it into my skirt, grabbing my highheels that were stuffed into the back of the closet and my purse. i quietly opened my bedroom door and looked out into the hallway before slowly stepping out. i could hear food being made in the kitchen and i made my break for it. i stopped behind the wall where the front door was and called out. "i'm going to charlie's to spend the night!"

before i could hear the protests i left and made my way down the street. i grabbed my phone upon hearing it ring and pressed it to my ear. "i'm almost there just calm down."

"no look behind you, how have you not noticed the car following you?" charlie's voice scoffed and i turned around as she hung up the phone. i went to the passenger side and climbed in, feeling her eyes on me. "you really are trying to get it tonight." she snorted. 

"what can i say? it's been a month i'm bored." 

she drove off to the destination that was a good two hours away. the boy who threw these parties was the one and only the guy i first slept with. he owned a lake house and always made sure the cops were never called so it was at a safe destination to start all the trouble we wanted. 

charlie and i talked for most of the ride, seeing other cars speed past us with cheering seniors. i'm pretty sure there was one with sophmore's but i didn't have the room to judge. by the time we reached the place it was eight and i tugged on my highheels with a grin. "ready?"

she put the car and park and cut the engine. "don't ever ask."


i didn't know what time it was but it was probably around eleve. we had been here for what seemed like that amount of time anyways. i lazily took a sip from the bottle of vodka in my hands and leaned against the kitchen countertop. my vision was blurry but i smiled when seeing a boy with curly hair walk in. "hi handsome."

he did a double take and i giggled. "like what you see?"

he looked hesitant at first but i set my bottle down and pulled him closer to me. "dance with me."

i grabbed his hand before he could answer and led him to the dance floor, placing his hands on my waist as i pressed my ass against his groin. "relax, you don't have to be so hard all the time." i laughed at my own joke when feeling the outline of his dick against me. 

i felt his body relax against mine and move with me, pulling me closer to him as he pressed a kiss to my neck. "i don't really like dancing but i never knew you had a way with it." 

i stopped, recongnizing the voice. "ashton?"

i went to turn around but he had managed to weave his way through the crowd. my heart was racing, he'll tell.

i quickly left the sea of bodies in search for the boy, calling out his name and earning no response. i stopped in the middle of the hallway, the cloud of smoke above me making me cough a bit but i ignored it as i checked through the rooms, ignoring the one with the red haired boy bouncing on top of the darker toned one. 

"ashton!" i called out once more but shrieked as i was pulled into one of the bedrooms. the lock clicking. 

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