Small Update To Make Sure You Know I'm Alive~

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Bonjour my sexy people~ it appears as if I have disapeared? Well, I haven't. I've just been incredibly lazy. *crazy applauding within background*

I AM alive and I AM working on new lemons, do not worry, actually currently I am writing a Medic x Male!Reader so stay tuned for that.
Also, I have future plans for an Engineer x Scout short story, but that will be in a different book. Currently, I am almost done Chapter 1 on that one. That will be out soon. But to keep things to this book though, I will be writing a Male!Pyro x Engineer and possibly a Male!Pyro x Spy as a second part. That's a MAYBE though, depends on if I can think of a proper storyline that could tie the two together.

In recent news, how's everyone enjoying the new TF2 Tough Break update? I am, spent 8 dollars on a ticket and the first contract I completed I got a Factory New Nutcracker Wrench. In other words, a toned down not-strange aussie XD that thing is so yellow! I feel like Gaben's trying to tell me something... I also unboxed some shit aswell. It was worthless though. I'm aiming for any quality Rainbow Grenade Launcher (forget the official name) and a Factory New Strange Scattergun, at this point I don't care for the skin, but hopefully something 'Pyroland-y.'

Anyways, I'm alive. Hopefully you are too <3 may the best of Gibus' rain down upon you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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