Chapter 1

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I could sense them all around me. Closing in. My legs stretched out, paws not even touching the ground at some places. I was fast, but not fast enough. They were still gaining, even though I had reached my full speed.

As I ran, I knew my snow leopard body had reached its max. My whole body was burning as if it was on fire. I guessed my pursuers were having the same problem, too, because I heard them slow down. It was the perfect time to make my escape.

With a little effort, I leaped into the treetops and into the cover of leaves, where I continued to make my escape. Running in trees took practice but having years of boredom on one's side always seemed to pay off in the most unexpected ways.

I didn't hear them now. Good. That solved one of my problems. I decided it was safe to return to my home, in the luscious mountains. It was about a day's journey from here.

I had only came to this nasty place, that smelled of werewolf because it had food, the one thing my mountain lacked. It was only during the winter really, and I only came because I was desperate.

I noticed the trees were beginning to thin. Soon I'd have to continue on the ground. I didn't want to, with those filthy werewolves were down there, but if I didn't want to break something, I knew I would have to.

I stopped and tasted the air. No sign of them. I cautiously climbed down and continued on my run. I still had a long way to go.

. . .

I had finally made my way back up the mountain and to my house if you would even call it that. It was basically a large tree house that used rope bridges to connect several trees together.

A familiar face poked out of the main room's doorway. It was my brother, Sparrow.

Well, I say brother but we weren't technically related. We'd just been together since we were kids, always looking out for one another. I just called him my brother for simplicity's sake. 

"Hey, Dove," he called, sarcasm leaking from his voice, "enjoy your little runaway hunting trip?"

"Yeah, it was fine," I mumbled, trying to block out his taunts. Although, I knew as well as he that I wasn't supposed to go hunting alone.

"Please tell me you got something this time," he said even though he could clearly see I had nothing.

"No," I said, frustration welling up inside of me. "The Werewolves chased me out again," I snapped.

"Really?" Sparrow sighed, shaking his head in what seemed to be disappointment. "You didn't bring anything and you got the wolves mad us again?" he asked, "I had just gotten things smoothed over with them."

"Oh shut up. And why don't you get me something to wear."

Sparrow rolled his eyes and went inside the treehouse. A few minutes later he was back out and threw down some clothes.

"Thanks," I said, a sarcasm bleeding through my tone.

"Just change then get up here!" he snapped.

I rolled my eyes and shifted back into my human form. I put on my clothes and went up. Sparrow had picked out a simple black sweater and jeans for me to wear. That would have been fine if I didn't promptly remember that these had been laying on my floor, still dirty, this morning.

And it was way too much to hope that Sparrow did laundry, much less mine.

By I reached the kitchen, I decided that was the best one could expect from Sparrow and at worse, he had robbed me from what I was planning to wear tomorrow. Speaking of Sparrow, he was standing across the kitchen, making a salad. Or at least chopping vegetables, ignoring me.

He was such a brat when he got mad.

I closed the thick green curtains that we had instead of doors to block out the frozen wind and slowly began setting the table. I always complained about it, just to have something to complain about, despite how it only took, like, three minutes since there were only two of us.

The worst three minutes of my life.

I sat down in my seat and started to braid my long brown hair. Then I undid it, then I redid it. Over and over. It was a habit now. Nervous energy being put to use. I suppose I was nervous since Sparrow was still ignoring me.

Come on Sparrow, it's been three minutes already. Why won't you talk to me?

When Sparrow finally finished with dinner my hair was in a braid and I decided I was just going to leave it that way so I didn't get any, like, salad dressing in it. Sparrow dished out the salad, a scowl plastered on his lips, then sat down.

I smiled mischievously as I asked, "We're eating salad again?" I kept my tone light as I could manage, hoping to get him to say something back to me.

"Well since someone didn't find any real food, we have too," he said, tone still serious.

I guess I'd have to try something else.

"But my inner cat needs to be fed," I said. Sparrow's lips curled upwards in a smile.

Thank God.

However, that smile fell from Sparrow's face as he said, "Enough avoiding the problem Dove. We need to talk."

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

It took me a while to write and I hope it is long enough!

Also if you guys have any ideas a better cover I would love to hear them! Or any suggestions at all really!

Okay I know I just published this story and this is a lot to ask, but if I can get 5 votes I'll update sooner. If not I'll most likely update in about a week, if I'm not too busy!

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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