Chapter 5

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I told Liz what had happened this morning. She believed my theory that yes someone was possibly following me. She said she would go over to my house after school with me, I thanked her and then said we should go to school. We walked to school chatting about nothing of importance.

I had history first class. Great. Mr Jones. He was such a bore. When I walked into the class I saw there was only one student in the room. He was new. I looked at the clock. It was 8.40am. School didn't start until 9am and most students wont be here until 8.50am. I took my usual seat at the back of the room. The new boy was wearing a black leather jacket and black jeans. His hair was jet black, shaggy and he had a side fringe. He turned around in his and smiled at me. The first thing I noticed about him was his huge bright green eyes. They were beautiful. His skin was pale and his mouth was a little too big. He was gorgeous. 'Hey,' he said. 'I'm Lewis, I just moved here from Spain. What's your name?' Wow he was so perfect. Gorgeous and a Spanish accent. 'My names Jessica but my friends call me Jess,' I smiled. 'What a nice name. Jess.' He winked at me. My heart did a flip as he turned back around in his chair. Had he been just been flirting with me? God. I couldn't take my eyes off him during the class. I couldn't actually believe he was real. He was like an angel dressed in black. Suddenly the bell rang. I jumped up from me seat and hurried to the door. Sarah slipped me a note as I walked past her. She winked at me as I looked up. 'He's lush,' she said as she walked on down the corridor in the opposite direction from me. I quickly walked down towards my locker and threw my history books in. I slipped out the note and scanned it. 'Don't stare Jess. Everyone saw. Try not to be too obvious. He is lush though. Good luck x'

I blushed. Damn people saw me staring. I shoved the note in my pocket and slammed the locker door shut. It was time to met Liz for a free class.

I told Liz what had happened in history. We both started squealing as we walked down the school steps. 'He's just so gorgeous. Oh and Sarah gave me a note. I was staring too much,' I laughed 'Here,' I handed Liz the note. She quickly scanned it and laughed. 'I still cant believe you stared at him the whole class. If Sarah says he's 'lush' he must be drop dead gorgeous. I'm so jealous. Do you want me to get information of Lindsey on him? She always has information on people.' Liz grinned at me.'I'm actually so embarrassed. I cant believe I stared at him the whole class. He is drop dead gorgeous. You should see him. He's just Oh My God. Would you? That would be amazing,' I squealed at her. She grinned back. 'What are best friends for,' she laughed. 'I have told you your amazing before haven't I? I love you babe,' I flung my arms around Liz. 'Love you too. Jess.' she paused. 'You have to go for him.' Liz squealed. I stood back and stared at her. 'What? I can't. He's too gorgeous. I thought I wasn't going to be able to talk to him' 'You have to. He totally sounds your type and he sounds perfect!' she shrieked. Grinning. 'Okay okay. I'll try. But I'm waiting for him to ask me out.' I grinned suddenly even more excited.' 'Okay okay were have to go to Pedro's to celebrate,' Liz smiled. 'Your on,' I smirked.

At Pedro's we ordered a ham and pineapple pizza with wedges and two lemonades. 'Liz? Do you think there could a be a ghost at Old Mickeys?' 'I doubt it because you know I don't believe in that stuff. But I really hope not,' she said around a slice of pizza. I took a wedge and chewed thoughtfully. I really hoped it wasn't a ghost either. But I did see a man didn't I? And birds don't attack people. There was something going on. And I was going to find out. 'You have that look again Jess. You know that one 'I don't know what's going on but I wont rest until I find out' Yeah that look scares me. What's up?' Liz knew me too well. It was actually really nice but sometimes it was bad when you were trying hid something. Well I never really could hid anything from her. 'Okay I just really want to know what's going on with Old Mickeys. If anything is. Something has to be right? A blackbird attacked me and a man was watching me and it was just opposite there that I was chased.. It kind of scares me if I'm honest.' i sighed. Liz took a sip of her lemonade and stared at me. 'Okay I have an idea. If we can get out of your house for 10 minutes we'll go talk to Old Mickey to see if he knows any ghost stories or if anything is going on.' Liz smiled at me. 'Cool,' I grinned back a little scared of what was going to happen this evening.

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