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Nate is an excellent surfer. Some may even consider him to be a world-class surfer. His type of surfing doesn't involve water or gold medals though. It involves sitting on a couch, clicking buttons on a plastic remote.

Rainey is an excellent murderer. Some may even consider her to be worthy of the most-wanted list. Her type of murder doesn't involve guns or blood though. It involves laying on a hospital bed, stuck with tubes to sustain her life.

Her world is slowly slipping away as a result of terminal cancer, but just when she thinks life is no longer worth living, Nate appears in her life. He takes her on a journey around the world through his remarkable stories, all while staying by her side in the hospital. Her death can't be prevented, but maybe her outlook can change. Maybe he can fulfill her dream to see the Perseid Meteor Shower.

And just maybe, they can stay together until the last shooting star.

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