Chapter 21

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Jane's POV

It's my birthday today! I wake up from my bed and Hayes is right beside me. I jump out of bed straight to my bathroom getting ready for today. I was excited. Finally 19 years old.




Hayes had woken up and I was in In N Out with him. He had insisted on taking me to eat somewhere so I chose In N Out. "Do you work today?" I asked. "No. I asked for the day off to spend it with you." He winked. "I'm so excited for later." I said. "So am I. Nervous too." Hayes said. "Why? There's nothing to be nervous about." I said. "Yeah I know but your brother and stuff like-ever since the incident, everyone thought I pushed you towards that car." Hayes said. "Hayes, you and I both know it wasn't your fault. If anything it was my fault. I should've looked left, right, left." I said.

"I know but if I didn't tell you. It wouldn't have happened." Hayes said. "If you hadn't told me. I would be even more hurt than when you did-just can we let go of the topic? I really hate talking about it. Let's just have fun." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You just made my day better." Hayes smiles.

We finished eating and left.





"JAKE!" I yelled as i jumped in my brother's arms and wrapped my legs around him. "Look who's better than ever."He said. "I feel way better." I said emphasizing the word way. Hayes then walks to the room normally. "Aye my man, Hayes!" Jake says. "Aye Jake! What's good?" Hayes said giving him the bro hug.

Everyone arrived and we were all sitting in a circle. "Okay, first up Nash." I said. Nash got up and grabbed my present and handed it to me. I opened it and saw a book. "Aw. Nash you know me so well. Why would you get me a book?" I said. "Read the cover." Nash said. "Free Friendship Coupons." I said. I went up to Nash and gave him a hug. "Okay, Cameron." I said. Cameron handed me my present.

It was a sweater that said Cameron Dallas is The Best. "Thank you Cameron. I'll be sure to wear everyday." I said and gave him a hug. "Taylor." I said. Taylor handed me his present. It was a squared iPod that had one of his vines on a loop. Which did I mention is 10 hours. It was a 10 hour loop of him saying. Cock. I listened to it and it was actually quite funny. I hugged and thanked Taylor.

Everyone gave their presents except one person. Hayes Grier. "Okay Hayes. Your turn." Sam said. "My present is not big, but it's very valuable." Hayes said but was interrupted by Taylor saying, "That's what he said." We laughed and then focused on Hayes. Then, I saw everyone with their phones out recording. That's when i started getting nervous.

Hayes' POV

I started getting nervous too nervous. "Here." I said handing her the letter from her dad. "Read it." I added.

" Dear Jane, you're probably happy you finally get to read what's in this letter. Hayes is about to ask you a question that can change your life. He has my consent. I know both of you will be very happy together. You might go through rocky roads but remember not all roads are rocky. He might cheat on you, hurt you, break up with you. It's normal I mean ask any guy I'm pretty sure they'll say they did the same thing at least one time. I don't know if by the time you're reading this I'm dead or not. Hopefully I'm not. I would love to see your face on the big day. To save you time, all I'm saying is to say yes. Trust me you won't regret it. Take it away Hayes. Love, your dad." Jane read. She was in tears by this point.

"Okay then. Jane I have known since second grade. We met on a field trip when I complimented you saying I like your lunchbox. No Jane was not as girly as she is now back then. Ever since that day, we instantly became best friends. We hung out like crazy during recess and after school. Middle school came. Seventh grade, I did the shittiest thing I could ever do. The dare. High school, you found a boyfriend. No it wasn't me at that time. It was some other dude. Im gonna be honest. I hated him. He had what I didn't. I could've made you mine but I just had to do the dare. After that, the science camping trip that Ms. Well."

"Ms. Weller." She corrected.

"Ms. Weller made. She put us as partners. I was happy but I didn't show it. Skipping all that, when we came back, I asked you out. I was glad. Proud of both of cause I knew we'd hit it off. And now here we are. We finished high school now in college starting the journey to our career. I love you Jane. So with that said

Jane's POV

"So with that said." Hayes said getting in one knee taking out a small box out of his back pocket. I put my hands over my mouth and started to cry. "Will you, Jane Frances Miller, make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked. I couldn't talk. I was shocked. I nodded my head yes and hugged Hayes hard. I kissed him on the lips and whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you more." Hayes whispered back.

Everyone was crying of joy. Even the guys. "My sister is getting married before me." Jake said as he cried and the guys laughed.



Once everyone left, Hayes and I were laying down on my bed looking up. "This ring is beautiful Hayes." I said as I admired the ring. "Just like you." Hayes said.

one sec please.


just one more second.


oh my duck. Guys theyre getting married.


I was legit crying because I'm a potato and let's be honest nobody dates potatoes. If you're a potato too (which I highly doubt cause I bet y'all are like Gucci and I'm like flea market) let me know so we can potato twins #PotatoTwins.

Wtf am I doing with my life help.

There's only 2 more freaking chapters left holy shitaki mushroom.


^^im so sorry for that rant I just had to let it out

Carry on :)

SSOTD: Jet Black Heart by 5SOS.

Don't forget to Stay magcony -Jade💕✨

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