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It was only a matter of time before Melissa would be here. Honestly I was a bit nervous. Fuck that, I was a lot nervous. My girlfriend isn't the most sane person when it comes to me being around other females. I just don't have the guts to break up with her though. I mean, she took something from me that I'll never be able to get back. I won't name what it is because I'd rather not be thinking about something sexual while sitting in a car with Erin. I'll think about something else. I can think about how beautiful Erin is. Well, if I had to start off with the thing I find most attractive about Erin, it would be those stunning green eyes of hers and her long gorgeous red hair. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Dammit, can't even think about how damn gorgeous Erin is without wanting to...ugh, why does this happen to me? I heard a tap on my window and looked over to see Melissa glaring at me. I unlocked the door and climbed out of the car. "Who is that?" She spoke through gritted teeth. See, not sane. "That friend of mine I wanted you to meet" I said, my voice kind of shaky. "I didn't know you meant a girl when you said friend" I leaned against the car preparing for her to start accusing me of cheating on her. "Yep, I'm all woman" Erin came around from behind the car. "My name's Erin, you must be Melissa, Vech's girlfriend, he talks about you all the time" She lied to help me. She didn't even know I had a girlfriend until she overheard me talking about it. "Oh, does he? Well, I think we'll get along just fine Erin" She turned back to me for a brief second but during that second, I could tell from the facial expression that she had no intention to try and get along with Erin.

They had been talking for over an hour now, Melissa trying to make Erin jealous by talking about our relationship, Erin talking about her family and how she can't wait to get to know Melissa better. I was a little disturbed by the whole situation. My girlfriend talking to the girl I had feelings for. I hadn't said a word since we sat down in this cute little Cafe. I just stared at my phone, pretending like I wasn't listening. How do did I go from being that boy who likes animals, to a man who doesn't even know how to break up with someone or tell a girl they like them?



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2016 ⏰

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