II. Mega Man

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Back at home...

I walked around Lights Labs, helping Dr. Light, my father, with various projects. He had been so excited the past few days about a new line of robo masters; they not only had powers differing a bit from those of the existing line, but had a new, modern look to them. So far, the only two that were finished were Zap Man, who was a lot like Electric Man, and Hazard Man, who was able to make himself explode, yet keep himself in one piece. He was a lot like bomb man, but the explosion was supposedly going to be much bigger. Their metals were sleeker, and they just generally looked a bit nicer.

I stared at the two that were finished. They would be sent across the world with emotions and ways to experience things. They would be fine over there, unlike times before emotions couldn't be put into robots. I couldn't imagine life without being able to think for myself; to me, Dad made it sound like it was living in a darkness only reading orders from a screen, being unable to control any movement. I shuddered just thinking about being trapped like that.

"What are these going to be made to do, Dad?" I asked my father. I hadn't yet asked what their intent was. At first, I thought his intention was going to be to replace the old ones, but I couldn't bear to think about that. And he would never replace me or Roll... That would be like replacing all of his memories with robots that weren't half as good as us.

Without turning away from his work, he answered, "Well, Rock, these are for across the world. I was asked to build a somewhat similar line for a large city that needed much construction work so they could work more on trade with other countries and such."

I nodded, and continued to watch him work. His eyes that were wrinkled yet fell of intelligence looked down at the robot in front of him, which was largely unfinished. For a while, I handed him tools and wondered what the robot was going to look like, until my sister barged in, panting, as if she had just run in an entire marathon. Her blonde hair that was tied back with a green ribbon flung around as she held her hands on her knees and tried to catch her breath. The doors slammed against the walls, and Dr. Light immediately looked up from his work. "What's wrong, Roll?"

"There's some sort of creature out there!" She shouted, making it sound urgent. "It looks like a really, really strange and... maybe powerful robot!"

I looked at my dad, trying to decipher the look on his face. If he was trying to show no emotion, he succeeded, because I didn't see any confusion in his face. He stroked his beard, examining the situation inside his head. "Is it harming any of the citizens?" He finally asked.

She shook her head. "No. It doesn't even... It seems to be really confused. Maybe it's coding got messed up? Or it could be programmed to do something... I just don't know, Dad!"

At that, Dr. Light went towards Roll, and leaned over. She looked up at him, and he just stopped and smiled. "Calm down. Not every robot we see is working for Dr. Wily. It's all right. Besides, Rock will go after it if he needs to. And he'll do a fine job at whatever I ask him to do."

Roll nodded in reply, then led him towards a monitor that showed all the activity in the city. There was one on the top of almost every building, and it usually caught everything down by the streets. We would know right away if there was something wrong. 

On the monitor, it was zoomed in on a blue... walking, talking sort of... animal? "It's obviously something of Dr. Wily's." I announced, as if certain with myself. "I'll go deactivate it and bring it back." I only thought that because I had never seen Dr. Light create anything even remotely close to this, and he didn't mention any strange robots that had run away from him except for Blues. Then again, the robots Dr. Wily created were almost always knock-offs of something my father had done.

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