Giving up more

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I am very protective of my things and especially myself. I can't stand to watch girls just throw themselves at guys and always get hurt. Derrick was the first boy I have had feelings for that we went even deeper into a relationship. I never saw myself giving up my first kiss or my virginity to some stranger like some girls do nowadays. What we did last night I imagined it would bautiful and nothing like I've ever felt.

it was definetly something different, but it was nothing I would have imagined. The whole time i felt awkward and i was in pain. When people say that love sometimes hurts, i think it goes for physical and emotional. This.... is DEFINETLY the physical.

Derrick decided to drive me to the airport. I was still in soe pain and i was exaughsted so i didnt want to drive and my mother wouldn't want to drive me either. The whole ride there neither of us talked. We both knew this would be the last time we'd see each other for a while.

"Sarah?" he broke the silence finally.

I turned my face to wher my eyes met his. I could see sadness in his eyes. He almost looked like he was about to cry. "Ya Derrick?" I asked back to him.

"It's going to be hard to watch you leave. I-I don't want you to leave." he reponded, starting to choke up.

"Oh baby," I said, setting my hand on his tightly gripping the gear shift."it won't be forever. It's only for a year and half. Once i turn 18, I will be right back here living in a beautiful house with you."

We pulled into the parking garage of the airport. Derrick insisted that he carry my big suitcase and I carry my carry-on. He told me that these should be enough and he will send the rest of my stuf via UPS. After luggage check and going through security, we made it to the gate. After jokingly asking the desk-lady for a ticket, who was clearly getting annoyed by the question because we all knew the flight was full (which i didn't know why because what happens in Tennessee)


Derrick gave me the biggest hug anyone could ever give. I didn't want him to leave me. I've never felt so wanted. I know it's not forever. But still, the thought of me leaving him for so long jusr made me hug him tighter. he kissed the top of my and whispered "I LOVE you." He has told me this before. But now it feels totally different. My heart is aching for him. I don't want to leave his embrace. But, all good things come to a close. He pushed me away when we heard the final call for the flight. He kissed me one last time on the lips and handed my bag to me. I i turned toward the door and made my way to the plane door. 

Luckily I had window seat toward the building where Derrick was in. And just like himself, he had his face almost completely up against the glass. I could tell he was mouthing something to me but i couldn't tell what he said. As I'm trying to figure out the words coming from his mouth, i felt a vibration from my pocket. It was a text on my phone form Derrick.

I said, R U OK?? ~ D

I mouthed huge OOOHH so he could see. We both shared a laugh before i started to hear the announcements. I snuck a text during the flight attendance's speech.

 Ya, I'll B fine. I GTG but ill text you when i land. i love you, bb! <3

I blew a quick kiss to him as the plane started to take off. This is it. I'm on my own.

Once the lady on the speaker announced it was ok to use mp3 players, I stuck headphones and let my playlist on my IPhone take me away to another world.

My rock candy passion is bitter sweet

and on to the teeth

cuz she would rather fall in chocolate than fall in love

especially with me



I wake up to look out the window. all I see is green. Green fields, green trees, just GREEN. Every now and then i see a few buildings but they're consumed by the sight of more green. I kept asking myself where all the things I'm used to could be. There were no real big buildings, no beach, no large houses. I started to think the worst.

Once we landed and i went through all the demanding securities of airports, I went into the lobby area of the Tyson-Mcgee Airport only to be greeted by a tall with a piece of cardboard with my name written on it. The 6 foot skinny man looked as if he has been waiting all day. With his deep blue eyes and brown hair I could tell, though age has hit him, this was my father.

"Hi sweetie" he said when he saw me.

"Hey" i answered trying to sound excited, but I was way to tired.

"You ready?" He asked me, taking my suitcase.

"Ya, I guess"

"Then let's go"


The drive wasn't too long. only about 15 minutes. My father said he lived in town. I was expecting a small country town. Boy, was i wrong. We pull into "town" which is an area filled with high buildings. Though the area looks smaller than most cities, it was still amazing. My father told me sme interesting places to visit. The World's Fair Park, the Zoo, the University of Tennessee games when they started back up. He also said that even though the city is smaller, Knoxville is spread out a lot. There's two malls (he said the west one was waay safer). I was starting to get over excited in my head, but my body was too tired to be excited.

We pull into a parking garage and park the car. My father grabs my bag and has me follow him into building. We ride the elevator until the 14th floor. We reach the apartment number 1407 and my father let's me in. The space is amazing; absolutely lovely. I would have embraced it more if i had more energy. 

Once the door shut, I heard my father call for me in the hallway where he started to walk through. I follow him into a huge bedroom. It had a television, a couch, a king sized bed, a walk in closet, and a bathroom. "And this is where you will be staying." My dad spoke up, noticing my astonishment. I walked to the bed and plopped my whole body on the comfy sheets and pillows. 

"I'm going to fix some dinner, if you want any."

i pull out my phone and see that it's almost 10pm. It's about 6 back at home but i was not going to wait until 2 in the morning to go to bed so I could sleep on my regular time. I decided to take advantage of the time. "Actually, I'm just gonna freshen up and get to sleep."

After a nod and a good-night, my father left and I went in the bathroom to change and get ready for bed. Usually, if i stay somewhere new, it takes a while for me to sleep. But once my head hit the pillows in the bed, sleep just took over and i was out. Day one was TIRING.


SUP GUYS!!! i have so far 3 reads and I am one of them! :/


I think thats it....... LIKE-COMMENT-SHARE-VOTE

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