Lies (short story #3)

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       Why does everyone feel the strange need to lie? I am going to die and that is unavoidable. I basically live in the hospital now, and everyone who sees me, every day- they lie. The nurses, the doctors, my friends, even my own mother.

They say, you'll pull through honey.

A miracle will happen, I know it. Just like the movies.

I won't let you die.

    Yeah, well, hate to break it to you, that's not in your hands. And the whole point of a miraculous recovery is the fact that it only exists in the movies. Lying here, day after day, watching the people around me lie made me realize- you don't have to have cancer for people to lie to you. People lie to you every day. You just don't know it.

    Do you the I'm being pessimistic? Well, I'm not. I'm being realistic. For a small scale example, a girl can say, oh, em gee! I love your shirt. And then turn around and talk to her friends about how ugly your shirt really is.

     One time, my friend actually forced me to go on a date. We were talking for about five minutes, when he said, "I'm having so much fun! Just give me a few minutes, I have to use the loo."

    I waited for thirty minutes. I wasted thirty minutes of my night, which I could have spent at home watching Gotham for the hundredth time on Netflix. I finally plucked up the courage to enter the men's restroom. I didn't care that all of the guys in my here were starting to stare. My gaze was fixed solely on the open window. He lied. He said he was having fun.

Oh well.

Yes, I have cancer. Yes, I get chemotherapy treatments and I'm practically bald now. Yes, it hurts. Yes, I am getting worse. Yes, I will die.

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