Part Two: Chapter Twelve

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This is Xander's POV.. It starts from when he was angry in the last chapter and he stormed out of the house.

Super long chapter as a christmas present ^·^
Dont expect more long ones cause it took me a while and its just a christmas special. Ok? Ok.

Enjoy!! <3

I slammed the door behind me angrily. She was so blind and I knew if I hadn't gotten out of there I would have smashed something. She was seriously going to be the death of me.

I replayed the incident that happened in my head and I suddenly felt bad. I shouldn't have stormed out on her like that or shouted in her face. I know I was mad but it was her choice in the end. Even if it was the dumbest choice ever.

I couldn't just leave like that, not after everything we had been through. With a small sigh I turned back around and entered the house. My eyes widened and my heart dropped when I saw her leaning against the wall, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Had I just made her cry? Good job, Xander. Guilt coursed through my body and almost immediately I had her wrapped in my arms. I was surprised when she didn't push away.

"I'm sorry" I sighed "I- That's not me, I got jealous.. and I'm sick of worrying about you, especially now that I know who you work for. I crossed the line, again I'm sorry" I tilted her head up, wiping the tear away with my thumb.

Did she hate me right now? Why hadn't she pushed me away or cussed at me? I just didn't understand why she had made this choice.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry" I didn't like how silent she was being, "I know you're scared... I know your past, but I wish you'd face your feelings instead of running away and making me worry all the time"

She made me worry non-stop and I couldn't help it. When she was my maid, it was easier to keep her safe, to look after her but now with this dumb decision it was impossible unless I wanted to look like a stalker. Maybe she just wanted me to leave her alone.

"I don't understand... why him?" Suddenly a thought came over my mind and my jaw tightened, "So he's been the guy that's been.. touching you?"

She stayed silent and that was the only answer I needed. I wanted to shout or cuss but I didn't want to scare her anymore so instead I pulled her into the sitting room. I pulled her onto my lap and studied the place, trying to calm myself "I think my house is more suited for you" It was the truth. She didn't belong here.

She still didn't respond. She was so silent, to silent. Had I scared her that much? I felt sick. I knew how bad her trust issues were, I knew she only cried when she was really upset. I had made her cry and now she had become scared of me.

The opposite of everything I wanted to do.

"I'm sorry for scaring you. I didn't mean to get mad. You aren't dumb, you're beautiful and smart.. you can just make really stupid decisions" I was worried sick. Did she hate me? Maybe I was going too far by having her on my lap, "Do you want me to put you down?"

She looked down at me with a blank expression before slowly shaking her head.

"I'm sorry" Her voice was barely audible that I wasn't sure if I heard correctly. Had she just apologized? "I know you're right but I can't change my mind"

She wasn't mad?

I cupped her face, my brow furrowing, "You're going to be the death of me Milan. You know that, right?" I gave her a small smile and relief rushed through my body when she returned it. She watched me, and it was clear she was thinking of something. I wanted to ask her what but she quickly spoke, "I don't know what to do"

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