Latin Phrases B

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Barba crescit caput nescit
Beard grows, head doesn't grow wister

Barba non facit philosophum
A beard doesn't make one a philosopher

Barba tenus sapientes
Wise as far as the beard

Beata Virgo Maria
Blessed Virgin Mary

Beatae memoriae
of blessed memory

Beati paupers spiritu
Blessed in spirit [are] the poor.

Beati possidentes
blessed [are] those who possess

Beati qui ambulant lege domini
Blessed are they who walk in the law of the lord

Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
Blessed is the man who finds wisdom

Bella gerant alii
Let others wage war

Bella detesta matribus
War hateful to mothers

Bello et jure senesce
I grow old through war and law

Bellum omnium contra omnes
War of all against all

Bellum se ipsum alet
war feeds itself

Biblia pauperum
Paupers Bible

Bibo ergo sum
I drink, therefore I am

Bis dat qui cito dat
He gives twice, who gives promptly

Bis in die
Twice in a day

Bona fide
In good faith

Bona notabilia
Note-worthy goods

Bona official
Good services

Bona patria
Goods of a country

Bona vacantia
Vacant goods

Boni pastoris est tondere pecus non deglubere
it is good shepherd's [job] to shear his flock not to flay them

Bono maium superate
Overcome evil with good

Bonum commune communitatis
Common good of the community

Bonum commune hominis
Common good of a man

Boreas domus, mare amicus
The north is our home, the sea is our firend

Brutum fulmen
Harmless (or inert) thunderbolt

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