A Panic

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Imagine getting ready to fight a battle with the elves, and having a panic attack, and Legolas having to calm you down.


You took a deep breath, feeling the cold air filing your lungs, and grasped your sharp sword even tighter in your small hands. Standing up as straight as you could, you raised your head and attempted to seem taller. Looking straight in front of you, you noticed a small black fuzz on the horizon. A vast orc army was advancing towards you, and your breath caught in your throat as you took in the enormity of the troops before you. The unmistakable darkness of the countless orcs filled your vision, and you felt butterflies leap in your stomach at the prospect of having to face them, even with Legolas by your side.

Thinking of Legolas, you glanced to your left, and spotted him next to you, as always, looking every part an elfish prince. He was a head and a half taller than you, and his face, fierce and war-like, was framed by long locks of blonde hair, billowing slightly in the mild breeze. Feeling your gaze on him, his head turned, and his eyes met yours, bright and concerned. An unspoken question was asked.

"Are you sure about this?" his eyes seemed to say.

You merely swallowed forcefully, gave a small nod, and returned your face to the oncoming orcs. Holy shit! How could an army have advanced such a distance in such a short amount of time? The once small blur in the distance was now a black cloud of moving bodies, taking over the whole plain before you. Your breathing got faster, and the hand grasping your sword suddenly seemed much too sweaty. Calm. Calm. You had prepared for this.

There was no need for nerves. You had been trained in the art of fighting by humans and elves alike, and were perfectly capable of removing an orc's head from its shoulders, thank you very much. The only problem was that you had never done it in practice before. You had begged Legolas to let you fight this battle with him, to prove yourself. Eventually, if not very begrudgingly, he had agreed.

You glanced back to him, and noticed that his lithe body had manoeuvred itself ever so slightly in front of your much smaller one. He was protecting you now, even subconsciously. You glanced to your right, and saw hundreds of elves in a long line, each one more beautiful than the last, but none if them could hold a candle to the elf on your left. Your eyes kept being drawn back to him, and even though his clothes were not as fine, and his golden hair was not crowned by priceless jewels, as many other elves' were, his majesty outshone even the most ethereal beauty.

His eyes once again found yours, and the fierce, warlike expression on his face quickly melted into one of concern.

"(your name)," he mumbled urgently, quiet enough that only you could hear, "Please, are you sure you want to do this today?"

You didn't respond and instead turned once again to the oncoming storm. You began to breathe quickly, your heart rate increasing, as the orcs came close enough to smell the rotten flesh on their breaths and hear their guttural war cries, mixed with shouted orders from elvish bowmasters.

You froze, your breath catching in your throat, heart rate pounding, as your sword slipped from your sweaty hands and clanged onto the hard wooden floor.

Legolas spun round at the sound, and took in your wide eyed terror. His face turned grim, and he dropped his bow and strode towards you, firmly grasping your forearms. Your breathing was still erratic, and Legolas could see that you were in no fit state to walk. He lifted your small body in his arms and sprinted into the elvish stronghold, where he lay you down and leaned over you, his face grave.

"(Your name)," he shouted, "(YOUR NAME!)"

Your eyelids fluttered open, and he breathed a sigh of relief, but you were anguished.

"No, no," you gasped, between shuddering breaths, "No I have to fight... I have to...."

"Shhhhh," soothed Legolas, stroking your sweaty face with one long finger, "It's ok, you're safe, you're safe," he repeated, appearing to be comforting himself more than you.

"I... I... I'm so sorry," you broke down into shuddering sobs, and Legolas hugged you to his chest.

"Shhh now," he repeated, stroking your hair, "There is no shame in fear. Without fear, we would all be foolish reckless daredevils. You have let nobody down today. I promise. Especially not me."

You sniffed and glanced up at him, eyes watery, "really?"

He smiled and wiped a single tear off your cheek with a thumb, "Really. You do not learn to swim by jumping into the sea. You learn by taking one small step at a time. I am proud of you. Come, let us walk together."

You smiled at him, rubbed you eyes, took a long, shuddering breath and grasped his proffered hand firmly.

He pulled you up with one hand, and steadied you by placing one hand on your hip, and you walked off into the deep reaches of the Elvin stronghold, huddled against eachother from the cold.

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