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Fixed 2/6/16

Last time~

"(Y/n) you are mine...",his grin was larger at this point,"Only mine..."

But before he could touch you sirens could be heard outside you heard Kaneki curse and say the word 'Doves'
you couldn't say anything due to your mouth being covered by his rinkaku you were just shaking violently,he told you to keep quiet or he would punish you,you being scared obeyed as he covered your mouth with a piece of clothing and carried you jumping out the window taking you somewhere..

~Two months later~

Yes you have been missing for two months by now and Kaneki had you handcuffed in a bed so you wouldn't escaped and lucky you he hasn't touched you since he has been busy lately with 'ghoul stuff' so you were just living a bed room alone..

Your POV

Why hasn't he let me go?!
Can't he see that I want to leave and be free?!
He wasn't like this last time I saw him..what changed him..?!Or who changed him?!

Your thoughts were cutted off by the sound of explosions comming from outside and someone broke your window barging in,you flinched not knowing who it was,but then calmed down knowing it was Yomo

"Don't worry (Y/n) I'm here to take you out it was Yoshimura's wish"

You were letting tears of joy escape your eyes as he broke the handcuffs and carried you out by the window,when he landed you saw a flash of two white hair's starring at each other

"Y-Yomo wait a sec",you told him and he stopped while looking st your shocked face

Kaneki Ken was fighting with the CCG's reaper and he was not succeding at all..

You saw as Arima's quinque pierced Kaneki's side,you were just crying for the white haired even though he had you trapped.He was just screaming in pain as Arima pierced his eye through the back of his head letting him fall, then he caught a view of you,he looked both terrified and mad,after Arima pierced his second eye Kaneki's last words were


And he was pierced lifeless on the floor blood traveling everywere,you were frozen after hearing what he said that you didn't noticed Yomo has taken you to Touka who was shaking you by your shoulders voilently while crying,
"(Y/n)!!!",you finally snapped back to reality and started at Touka,"T-Touka..?",she cried while hugging you saying that she was glad you were safe as you hugged her back crying too. Minutes of crying passed and she told you the disapperance of Irimi and Koma while you told her Kaneki's 'death',Hinami was just in your arms crying while you stroked her hair. Touka told you that you will live with her and that you'll be safe because Yomo was with both of you,but you didn't believed that because

Kaneki will get you back...

Author's note

Okay this is the first part sorry for taking that long!Anyways tomorrow I'll start with part one and sorry for the spoilers in this part!Anywho hoped you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter~!

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