Alternate Ending 2

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If you're a Ryder & Avery fan, please read the previous chapter and don't read this chapter.

If you're a Seth & Avery fan, please read this chapter. But I have to say, it's not a great chapter. It's kinda rushed and made Avery look abit bitchy.

My life was perfect. Was.

Well guess what? After a year of being together, I found out that Ryder had cheated on me.

Let me explain. It was during the period Ryder went overseas. Apparently, the girl he hooked up with came here and saw him at a mall where we were shopping for food.  Such a coincidence right?

Anyways, the girl, whom I eventually  learnt her name through Jacksonwas called Amy, went up to him and started talking about the hook up. I was mad at him, and really upset. I couldn't believe that he lied to me for so long.

Ryder, on the other side, was speechless. His eyes were full of regret, guilt and scared.

I refused to look at him. After Amy left, who still did not know that I was his girlfriend, I tried my best to stay calm because we could be friends when they hooked up.

"Talk. Explain," I managed to say.


"What? Explain! When was it? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, my voice becoming louder.

"I don't know when. I don't even remember her. For all you know, she could be be lying,"

I sighed. "Then how did she know you're name?"

"I don't know! I really don't Ave," Ryder exclaimed.

"Just think okay. Bring me back home, I'm tired,"

"Okay," He said sadly.

The ride home was silent, with Ryder glancing at me occasionally. I just stared out the window ignoring his stares.

"Bye," I said monotonously.

"Bye Ave. I love you," I heard him say as I walked away from his car.

Once I was in the house, I immediately called Jackson.

"Hey Jackson. Can you help me with something?" I asked straight away.

"Sure," Jackson answered without hesitating.

"Uhh, help me find this girl. I want her name and phone number," I then started describing the girl.

"Okay, I'll call you back later,"

I'm glad he didn't ask any questions.

I sat waiting on the couch for Jackson's call. After 2 hours, my phone rang, I quickly picked it up.

"Hi Ave, her name is Amy and her number is -"

" - Wait, let me take a pen and a paper," I quickly run up to my room and took the things I need.

"Okay, go on," He told me the number and I wrote it down.

"Thanks Jackson!"

"No problem," And we hung up.

I called Amy after that.

"Hello?" I heard the familiar high pitch voice that I heard today.

"Hi Amy, do you know Ryder?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why do you ask and who are you?" She asked this time.

"How do you know him?" I asked again, ignoring her question.

"We hook up before,"

"When and where?" I fired my questions again.

"Why are asking so many questions? Do I know you?"

"Just answer my question,"

"Quite long ago, about a year ago? I remember it was a Sunday, at a bar," She answered.

"Are you sure it's him?"

"Yes! Just who exactly are you?" I could feel her getting annoyed.

"Nevermind about that. Thanks," I hung up the call.

This time I called Ryder.

"Avery," He immediately picked up the call.

"Ryder, did you go to a bar when you were overseas?" I went straight to the point.

"Yeah, I think so,"

I sighed. "Then it's there where you meet that girl at the mall."

"I know, but who cares. I was drunk and it's over already anyways,"

"So you lied to me? You knew who she was yet you said you didn't? And you didn't tell me about it before. You changed Ryder, " I shook my head.

"What's the point of telling you? It's already over and we can't do anything anything about it. I didn't want you to get upset over something so small and so long ago. Get over it Ave," He replied frustratedly.

I gasped. How dare he. "I'm ending this with you Ryder. I'm breaking up with you,"

"Fine with me. You've become more clingy and unreasonable,"

I gritted my teeth and hung up the phone.

I was so pissed at him, I wasn't even upset, I don't even feel like crying, just angry.

I decided to call Seth as I needed to vent my anger and also needed comfort from someone. I didn't want to bother Jackson again and Rachel's  probably busy with her new boyfriend.

"Seth!" I cried out when he answered the call.

"Avery?" His deep, warm comforting voice started making me feel better.

"Yes. I broke up with Ryder, he was being an ass,"

"What? Really? What happened?" He fired his questions. I then explained the story.

"Now that I think of it. I've been really clingy. I feel sorry for him, how did he manage to tolerate me for so long?" I muttered sadly and sighed.

"It's okay Ave. You have me. Remember what I said? I'll wait for you and wait for the chance. When you and Ryder break up, I will definitely take that chance. I know it's too fast to ask you but I don't care. I've waited long enough. I just want to be with you. I don't care if you don't love me and will break up with me any time," He paused. "So will you be my girlfriend?"

"You're too sweet Seth. I've been such a bad friend. I'm always hurting you and if I say yes, you'll be hurt again,"

"I don't care. I just want us to be together at least once. Please," He pleaded.



After 1 month of being in a relationship with Seth, I must I've never felt as happy when I'm with him. Not even with Ryder. Seth has been so great, so caring, so loving. He's my ideal type of boyfriend. I'm definitely in love with him.

"I love you Seth, so much," I told him.

"I love you too, much more than you you love me," And he kissed me.


This ending sucks. I've made Avery a bitch. I don't like this ending and i might change it again.

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