John X Vriska (part 1?)

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((I won't be on for Christmas, so, Merry Christmas to you guys in advance! Without further ado, here's my OTP in smut form.
And, about snow falling in Washington, that's highly unrealistic. I know, I live here.))

John Egbert sighs, looking at the cloud-covered sky through the window of his kitchen. It was Christmas Eve, and it seemed almost as though everything would be perfect. Except for the fact that his girlfriend was late, like usual.
John had planned everything out. They were going to watch one of three movies he had picked out; Pulp Fiction, National Treasure, or, his new favorite, The Incredibles (literally my favorite movie X3); they'd be a cute couple and cuddle on the couch, and maybe do something more...mature. He had no idea what "Netflix and Chill" was, but he was pretty sure it was pretty close to what he'd planned.
He could just picture it. Her laying down, him placing his-
"EG8ERT, IM HERE, SORRY FOR 8EING L8!!!!!!!!" Vriska smashes through the screen door, trips over the threshold, barrel rolls into the kitchen, and knocks John and herself into the living room.
"Ow. That was...sudden, Vris." John says, wincing as he gets up. "I think your horns stabbed into my hand..."
"S-sorry..." Vriska responds, about to start rambling on about how sorry she is.
"It's fine. Just, if you're gonna fall like that, it'd better be for me~" John smirks as cerulean blush floods Vriska's face, and she growls and lightly pushes him away. "So, I've got three movies to watch."


((I can't  finish this as of now, seeing how I'm slowly drifting out of this fandom, so I'll get back to this after Christmas. Bye, y'all, have a great day/night/whatever.))

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