Latin Phrases I

328 18 1

in the same place

id est
that is

id quod plerumque accidit
that which generally happens

the same

idem quod
the same as

igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
therefore whoever desires peace, let him prepare for war

igne natura renovator integra
through fire, nature is rebon whole

igni ferroque
with fire and iron

ignis aurum probat
fire tests gold

ignis fatuus
foolish fire

ignorantia juris non excusat
ignorance of the law is no excuse

ignoratio elenchi
ignorance of the issue

ignotum per ignotius
unknown by means of the more unknown


image dei
image of God

imitation dei
imination of a god

imperium in imperio
an order within an order

imperium sine fine
an empire without an end

impossibilium nulla obligation est
there is no obligation to do the impossible


let it be printed

in absentia
in the absence

in absentia luci, Tenebrae vincunt
in the absence of light, darkness prevails

in actu
in act

in articulo mortis
at the point of death

in camera
in the chamber

in casu
in the event

in cauda venenum
the poison is in the tail

in Deo speramus
in God we hope

in dubio pro reo
in doubt, on behalf of the [alleged] culprit

in duplo
in double

in effigie
in the likeness

in esse
in existence

in extensor
in the extended

in extremis
in the furthest reaches

in fide scientiam
To our faith add knowledge

in fidem
into faith

in fieri
in becoming

in fine
in the end

in flagrante delicto
in a blazing wrong, while the crime is blazing

in flore
in blossom

in foro
in forum

in girum imus nocte et consumimur igni
we enter the circle at night and are consumed by fire

in harmonia progression
progress in harmony

in hoc sensu
or in sensu hoc
in the sense

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