Latin Phrases L

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Labor ipse voluptas
The pleasure is in the work itself.

Labor omnia vincit
Hard work conquers all.

Laborare pugnare parati sumus
To work, (or) to fight; we are ready

Labore et honore
By labore and honour.

Laboremus pro patria
Let us work for the fatherland

Laboris Gloria ludi
Games are the glory of work

Lacrimae rerum
The poignancy of things.

lapsus memoriae
slip of memory

latius est impunitum relinqui facinus nocentis (quam innocentem damnari)
It is better to let the crime of the guilty go unpunished (than to condemn the innocent)

Laudatio Ejus manet in secula seculorum
His praise remains unto ages of ages

Laudator temporis acti
praiser of time past

Laus Deo
praise be to god

Lectio brevior potior
The shorter reading is the better

Lectori salutem
greetings reader

Lege artis
according to the law of the art

Legem terrae
the law of the land

Leges humanae nascuntur, vivunt, et moriuntur
laws of man are born, live and die

Leges sine moribus vanae
laws without morals [are] vain

Legio patria nostra
The legion is our fatherland

Legi, intellexi, et condemnavi
I read, understood, and condemned.

Legis plenitude charitas
Charity (love) is the fulfilment of the law


Lex artis
law of the skill

Lex dei vitae lampas
the law of God is the lamp of life

Lex ferenda
the law that should be borne

Lex hac edictali
the law here proclaims

Lex in casu
law in the event

Lex lata
the law that has been borne

Lex loci
law of the place

Lex non scripta
law that has not been written

Lex orandi, lex credenda
the law of prayer is the law of faith

Lex rex
the law [is] king

Lex scripta
written law

Lex talionis
the law of retaliation

Libertas Justitia Veritas
Liberty Justice Truth

Libera te tutemet (ex inferis)
Free yourself (from hell)

Libertas perfundet omnia luce
Freedom will flood all things with light

Libertas quae sera tamen
Freedom which [is] however late

Libertas Securitas Justitia
Liberty Security Justice

balance; scales

Littera scripta manet
The written word endures

Loco citato
in the place cited

Locum tenens
place holder

Locus classicus
a classic place

Locus minoris resistentiae
place of less resistance

Locus poenitentiae
a place of repentance

Locus standi
a right to stand

Longissimus dies cito conditur
even the longest day soon ends

Lorem ipsum
Sorrow itself; pain for it's own sake

Luceat lux vestra
let your light shine

Lucem sequimur
We follow the light

Luceo non uro
I shine, not burn

Lucida sidera
The shining stars

Luctor et emergo
I struggle and emerge

Luctor, non mergor
I struggle, but am not overwhelmed'

lucas a non lucendo
[it is] a grove by not being light

ludemus bene in compania
we play well in groups

lupus est homo homini
A man to a man is a wolf

lupus in fabula
the wolf in the story

lupus non mordet lupum
a wolf does not bite a wolf

lupus non timet canem latrantem
a wolf is not afraid of a barking dog

lux aeterna
eternal light

lux et lex
light and law

lux et veritas
light and truth

lux ex tenebris
light from darkness

lux hominum vita
light the life of man

lux in Domino
light in the Lord

lux in tenebris lucet
The light that shines in the darkness

lux libertas
light and liberty

lux mentis lux orbis
Light of the mind, light of the world

lux sit
let there be light

lux tua nos ducat
Your light guides us

lux, veritas, virtus
light, truth, courage

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