Christmas Special Medic x Reader: I Remember Everything....

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Warning. This is sad. I originally wanted this to be a very cute and very happy thing, but then I had an idea and I had to do it. So sorry! I hope you enjoy anyways!


Medic's P.O.V:

I remember everything. It was Christmas Eve. I'm not sure why, but I just felt like going on a walk through the park. I was bundled up to keep warm. The guys were back at the base. The snow crunched under my feet as I walked. It was dark out, but the lamp posts lit the way. I stopped. Not too far away, I saw someone leaning against a lamp post, their back to me. Someone I could never forget. The light illuminated the figure. I saw (H/C) peeking out of the hat, so I assumed it was a girl. She had her hands on the lamp post, and was looking out. She was bundled up with a scarf, a jacket, hat, and gloves. I stared at her for a while. The snow fell softly around her. Her scarf and hair flowed in light wind. I wonder why she's here. It's freezing cold outside.

I walked over to her. I could never forget the curious feeling buzzing within me as I headed over to her. I could never forget the many thoughts that ran through my mind. She could just be another person, someone I'm just going to walk by and never see again. Or, this could be the moment that I meet the girl that I will spend the rest of my life with. She could be a long lost friend. She could be someone who will have great meaning and become my closest friend. I remember it all with much clarity. She heard me approaching, and looked back at me over her shoulder. She was beautiful. It made my heart skip a beat. I could never forget such a pretty face. She had kind (E/C) eyes that shone in the lamp light. The snow on her hair sparkled. She had such a sweet smile. I stopped and stared at her. I couldn't do anything. I was speechless. I didn't know what to do. My mind was racing. I remember all the thoughts swirling in my mind. She reached out and lightly gripped my gloved hand. She led me next to her. My face heated up. She let go and went back to staring ahead. She had a voice never to be forgotten.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"She asked quietly.

"H-huh?"I stuttered. She smiled softly at me, and pointed ahead.


I looked ahead of us. The sight was breathtaking. I will never forget it. The bridge was covered in a blanket of snow, as was the path ahead of us, which was untouched. The pine trees had snow on them too. The snow fell around us. The lake was frozen over, and reflected the moonlight on its smooth ice. The moon shone brightly in the sky, casting down a soft glow across the snow and ice. The ice on the lake had many lines carved into it from ice skaters. The entire scene was just.... So.... Beautiful. It was a sight never to be forgotten. I looked back at the girl though. She was so beautiful. She seemed to glow in the light of the lamp. The tip of her nose was a tad bit red from the cold. The cold nipped at my own nose too. She smiled up at me. It was a smile that warmed my heart and brought heat to my cheeks and ears. It was a smile never to be forgotten. A smile that confirmed my love for her. We simply stared out in silence for a while. As much as I didn't want to break it, my curiosity got the better of me. I remember every word.

"Vhat are you doing out here on zhis cold Christmas Eve?"I asked. She smiled at me.

"The same thing you are. That is, if you came here to enjoy the scenery and the quiet of the night, perhaps have a little fun."Her voice was so sweet, and calm.

".... Vhat is your name?"I asked.


"Medic."She giggled.

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