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It was finally Christmas. I would be decorating the house with my mum during this time of the year. My brother would probably be on his computer, as usual. He never helped with any of the decorations. Waste of time, he would say. You'll be taking it down anyway.

I remembered rolling my eyes whenever he said that. After a few years, we stopped asking him. My mum and I still had a great time.

This Christmas was different. I wasn't home. I wondered if my mum had decorated the house without me. She probably didn't have the time to.

Was the house emptier than usual? The family portraits were probably taken down. My brother's things were probably gone. Did he take all of his belongings? Was his room empty? What would we do with that room? I felt like my mum would leave it untouched in case he were to return.

I missed it. I missed going home. Life after getting discharged would probably be so different. No more screaming and shouting, no more fighting for the bathroom with my brother. Mornings would probably be a lot quieter. The house would probably be dark most of the time.

I sighed.

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