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"My turn. Fifth question, when was the last time you cried?" You seemed to have regretted it the moment it left your mouth, for you immediately changed your mind. "Never mind, tell me about your favourite movie."

"It's okay," I reassured. "Probably when my dad came."

"What happened?" You asked, then added, "I mean, you don't have to tell me."

"My parents are divorced. He came to let me know that he was moving away. My brother was going with him."

"How did that make you feel?"

"Confused." Was this the right word? "Lost. I didn't know how to feel about him. It's like my mum and I never existed in his world."

"That must've been difficult."

"It was alright. Back to you, when was the last time you cried?" I smirked, expecting you to avoid the question.

Instead, you pondered before replying, "When I lost my family."

The clock seemed to have stopped ticking, and the room went into complete silence. Words were stuck in my throat. Would it be better for me to not say a thing?

"It's alright! You should've seen the look on your face." You gave my shoulder a nudge. I managed to force a smile. I bet it was awkward.

"It was a hit-and-run. We were heading to my grandparents'. I don't remember much from that day."

"I'm so sorry," I said. I meant it in every way. I hoped I didn't sound like I was pitying you.

"A hug would be nice."

I lunged right into your arms.

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