Chapter 33: Goodbye

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Kelly's pov:

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I want him to read it.

Braden reaches into his pocket and takes out the folded up piece of paper. "I almost forget about this." He says as begins to open it up.

He pauses.

"Are you sure you want me to read it right now? Or do you want me to wait until I'm at home?"

"No B, just open it up, it's ok." My crying has stopped and I'm sitting next to him, bracing myself for what will happen next.

Wait.. I don't want him to know yet! Stop, I think as his fingers unravel the paper.

But then my mom comes in the door and saves me. Hallelujah.

"Hey kids!" She says, coming over to me. "Sorry I had to go into work early to do a presentation but I'm home now! So how'd it go with the officers? Any info on the rapist?"

I fill her in on the details and she smiles in excitement.

"Oh that's wonderful! Let's celebrate!"

"By doing what?" I ask

"How about we go shopping, just the two of us? It's your favorite thing to do." She teases me and she's right, it is my favorite thing to do.

"Sure." I laugh

I turn to Braden. "You don't mind if I leave, do you?"

He smiles. "Not at all Kel-Bel. Go have fun, you deserve it."

I smile and get up from the couch when I remember the note. "Oh and B? You can read the note. Just wait until we leave." I tell him.

He nods.

I think that's the best way for him to find out I'm in love with him. He reads it and I won't be there for the awkwardness that follows. But, at least he'll know, then I can get this huge weight lifted off my chest.

I take a quick shower and change into sweatpants and a long-sleeved t-shirt. I put on my moccasins and head downstairs to meet my mom.

Braden's by the door, about to leave. I run over to him.

"Bye B." I say, and this isn't just any goodbye, it's goodbye, goodbye. He's gonna know my secret and then it'll all be over. I feel like crying at the thought of this being the last time I have him as my best friend. But I hold in my tears, or else he'd get worried. I hug him and hold on tight. After a few minutes, he lets go and smiles. He turns around and reaches for the doorknob. The door opens and... gone.



My mom and I shopped for hours. I had a blast. I got new clothes and shoes and I'm pretty happy right now. We're driving home, and it's almost 9 o'clock.

All of my happiness disappears when I look out the window and see Braden's house.

I lost my best friend today, and there's nothing I can do. He's not gonna wanna talk to me or see me ever again after reading that note.

We pull into the driveway and I get out of the car and grab all my bags. I head inside and my mom follows. I go up to my room to put the bags on my bed and then head back downstairs to help my mom with dinner.

We're having pasta, my favorite.

I'm trying to keep my mind off of Braden right now, so I pretty much make dinner, not just help with it.

I set up the table with 4 placemats because my bother and dad will be home soon, they've just been at work all day.

Then the doorbell rings. I yell to my mom that I've got it and go to answer the door.

Who's here at 10 o'clock at night? I wonder.

I open the door and my jaw drops.



A/N: what's gonna happen?😱

I love you all sm!!💚💙

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