Chapter 21.(Part 3)

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"Thanks Don." I stood and shook his hand.

"No problem, Nate. Just be careful." Don warned. "This guy has a hell of a wrap sheet. Word on the street is he just got released from prison."

"Yeah, I heard." I muttered under my breath and open the door. "See you later. Send me anything else you find out about him."

"Will do." He nodded and turned back to the screens.

I closed the door behind me and took the elevator down to the dance floor.

In the couple hours I had been in the tape room, the club had opened and was packed full of gyrating bodies dancing and others at the bar.

I walked past the dance floor and bar to the exit when I spotted something, or someone, walking out ahead of me.

I gritted my teeth.

What the hell is he doing here?

I watched him walk out into the parking lot and climbed into a black Chevrolet pickup.

I quickly jogged through the lot to my car six spaces down from his and started it, pulling up slightly to see him driving away.

I waited till he got down the road before pulling out after him.

I didn't expect to see him so soon after getting all his background info, but I couldn't just let him leave.

This might be the only time I see him.

There's no telling what he's up to.

My phone vibrated in the cup holder and I looked down at the screen.


She would call me right now.

I followed the Chevy and make a right turn.

I'll just let it go to voicemail and call her back later.

The phone stopped vibrating, then starts again.

I groaned.

I make sure he's still in my sight before picking up the phone.

"Hey,"I answer.

"Hey, where are you?" She asked.

I looked up the street to see that I'd followed him out of town and now we're in a rural area with not a tree in sight.

Where the hell is he going?

"Nate?" Bethany shouted in my ear.

"Hm?" I said, watching him pull up to an abandoned building.

I pulled up a few buildings away and park.

"I called your name like five times. Are you busy?"

The Chevy was parked and the man climbed out, looking around, before walking into the building quickly.

Hmm, suspicious.

"Yeah...yeah I'll call you back later. Bye." I quickly hung up.

I pocketed my phone and get out of my car, silently closing the car door.

I cautiously walk towards the building Terrance walked into.

I'm doing this for Bethany. I said in my head. I won't let him hurt her anymore.

I pulled my gun from its holster on my hip and pulled open the warehouse door, walking inside.


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