When you meet (Raph)

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You were walking home from the gym, when you smelled fish. You knew who it was........FISHFACE! "Well, if it isn't little miss (Y/N)." You turned to look into a dark ally you saw him. "Well, if it isn't fish breath." You remarked. He looked at you with a cold icy glare. "You need to come with me, master shredder wants you." You looked at him with the same icy glare, you took out (F/W) (fav. weapon) "Over my dead body!" You shouted, you didn't know a certain turtle was watching everything going on. You charged at him and swung. You two fought for 30 min. straight! When it was all over you were cut and bruised, you also had a big gash on your arm. After Fishface left you turned around and saw a gigantic turtle.

Raph's  POV:

"Uh... Hi" the girl looked at me and smiled. "Hey I saw you fight Fishface are you ok?" I asked her. "Yeah I'll be ok. Thanks for asking though." She tried to sound ok but, I could tell she was lying. "My name is Raphael but you can call me Raph." She smiled and said "My name is (Y/N).)" I saw my brother's shadows so I said "I have to go. Bye (Y/N)." "Bye Raph."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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