1K Reads Special: A Jooby Adventure

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Thank you so much for getting me to 1k reads! 

In order to celebrate, I decided to make another short story...but this time it's about Joob's newest adventure. 


Joob set his timer to 1 hour. 

"Goodnight." He whispered to himself.

Even though it wasn't really nighttime anymore.

Joob awoke to the smell of bacon.

He ran downstairs and excitedly jumped.


Selena nooded.

Joob looked at it.

"They look really boring and tasteless...like your music career!"

Justin finally walked in the room.

"We're finally 17. How does it feel?"

"It feels horrible. I hate this bowl cut. I don't want it. Get it off." Joob said.

Justin only laughed, knowing his evil self wouldn't let Joob cut his hair.

"You have to keep your image. If you cut your hair, people might stop liking you."

"And if you keep dating Selena, people might stop liking YOU."

The argument felt enough for Joob. He won. 

He grabbed his backpack.


Joob stole Justin's car. Whatever.

He didn't know where he was going. He just wanted to leave.

Joob stops at a gas station.

But something smells so great that he has to check it out.

There was donut shop. 

And next to the donuts shop, there was a man selling fresh weed.

Of course Joob wasn't going to smoke it.

He wanted to play a prank on the paparazzi.

No one knew who Joob was, so this was great.

He bought some weed and started to "smoke" as soon as the cameras showed up.

"Someone call the cops" He heard a saggy boob lady say.....wait what

"SAGGY BOOB ACTOR PATTY?!?" Joob screamed.

"Get away from me Joob. I don't like you. I know who you are. They're gonna take you as Justin. You better be prepared for some scary shit, scarier than my boobs, even scarier than Selena Gomez's talent."

They grabbed his shoulders and carried him inside a big truck.

They carried him out and placed him inside a cell.

"What in the living crackerfuk is this" Joob whispered.

It was horrible. Selena Gomez CD's everywhere.


But then he realized...He has enough money to bail himself out.

The whole time the cops took his mugshots, Joob was smiling.

He pulled out a wad of ca$$$$$h. 

"Here, bitches. Let me be a free Joob now."

He walked out with full badass-ness.

The cops had no words. They just collected the cash and ran far, far away from Joob.

Joob didn't care for anyone. In fact, he scared everyone in the world. People who didn't even know him started to panic when they saw the badass-ness in his eyes.

As Joob drove home, he could see people running to his car.

He got out and tried to open the door. It was locked.

Joob turned around to see Selena with her arms crossed.

"Good job, you got Justin in trouble again. And you nearly killed all of his fangirls."

"Yeah, I know. I did it on purpose. It's the best gift I have so far."

The Story of Joob Bieber (ORIGINAL Joob/Justin Bieber  Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now