Ch 5: Packs

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Packs live in groups (mostly in the greenest part in their area where there's a lot of forestry)

I've already informed you in the previous chapter that the Titles rule the pack.




3rd In Command

However there's more to a pack than just the Titles (even though they are a big part of it)

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However there's more to a pack than just the Titles (even though they are a big part of it)

Depending on the pack their are also different parts to it according to however the Alpha wants.

Here are some examples of other important people in the pack;

The Pack Doctor-usually only one or two, but in the books I've read (like I've said a million times already) the pack doctors seemed to get fired a lot. But that's just because if the doctors patient is the Luna and he accidentally does something wrong-if he even looks at her the wrong way- the Alpha fires him right on the spot. Possessive Alphas and Poor Pack Doctors. Lol good name for a comedy book(:

The Fighter Wolves-a group of the strongest wolves in the pack to defend and guard it whenever needed. Some train the young ones to fight. Whenever war comes their way they are involved. This group gives females a chance to show they can kick butt(;

Guard Wolves- work at the pack prison and guard prisoners. Some also do rounds around the pack territory and look for intruders-especially rogues (in ch 6 next one). The Fighter wolves can help do rounds also.

Trackers- good at hunting/tracking down someone. Also do rounds.

Here are a few common groups that packs have. If you want to add more groups you can comment and tell me(:

 If you want to add more groups you can comment and tell me(:

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