Chapter 11- Snipes [Vikk]

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I act upon instinct, bringing my shackled hands up from under the table with as much force as I can muster. It tips upwards and slams into the two reds sitting on the other side. I know it won't be enough to hurt them, but It should hold them off for a few minutes while I escape.

I yank the chain out from behind the table where Kenny has presumably let go of it and burst through the door, vaulting over a fence and into the field of flowers. However, whilst before I found this place beautiful, now it's just frustrating. I can't see a thing over the hundreds of roses and lilacs, but I still run like hell, trying to find high ground where I can spot Lachlan.

Out of nowhere, a figure leaps out of the bushes in front of me and crashes to the ground.



Adrenaline soars through me as I pull him to his feet. He grabs my arms.

"Vikk, You need to get out of here. It's going to become a bloodbath."


"Go! Go!" He shoves me forward and we run, trying to reach the tree line.

"Aah!" I hear Lachlan shout. I whip round just in time to see him be pounced upon. The attacker lands a few punches on him before Lachlan manages to push him off. I recognise Sidearms and call to him. He looks up and immediately leaves Lachlan, who starts to sprint away.

"Vikk! You're alive!" He runs to me and gives me a quick hug before looking down at the chains around my wrists. "Speedy'll know what to do. Lets go!"

I glance back to where Lachlan was, but he's already disappeared into the flowers. Side calls to me and we start to run again, to the tree line, where Speedy waits.

We crouch behind a tree, and Speedy pulls out his sword, quickly slicing apart the shackles on my wrists. I rub the sore patches and thanks him.

"So, what's going on?" I ask.

"We're launching an attack. Mitch was scouting here, he saw you get taken yesterday, and we decided we'd storm their base with ranged attacks to try a different tactic. It seems to be going well so far."

He gestures to the trees, where I spot several blues crouched, firing arrows at the reds, who have set up a temporary base in the middle of the field, made up of tables and random planks.

"Our team mates are strategically placed around the field, and we're down here to see if we can take out any stragglers. We've got Mat, Brayden, Mitch and Rob up in the trees."

I feel a burst of excitement.

"Rob's better?"

They both take out their bows, notching arrows into the strings.

"He's kinda better. But when he heard that you'd been killed- which of course was wrong- he insisted on coming here. Revenge, you know?"

I nod, and watch as the two guys fire at the Reds. These two, I swear they're telepathic, they're that close. They really are, like, best friends.

Suddenly, I remember Lachlan. I have to find him, see if he's okay. But these two probably wouldn't let me out of their sight, me being weaponless and weak and all that. I'll be fine.

While the two are occupied sniping, I silently crawl away, leaving the chains on the ground. I'm almost out of their sight, when I hear;

"Vikk? Where are you going?"

I sigh, turning around to face them. They're standing, confused by a tree."I have to go-"

And then I stop. The words are pulled right from my mouth. I'm frozen in fear.

I stare at Speedy and Side, and they stare back.

And then Speedy coughs, spraying blood on the ground in front of him. He falls forwards, collapsing in heap. Side falls beside him. Blood is already pooling on the ground around them.

Because behind them, standing, knives raised, are three reds, looking straight at me.

I run.

*Authors note: I'm sorry for finishing it on a cliffhanger again! I just can't resist :P Thanks so much to everyone, i can't believe the amount of support I've gotten on this book, we're already at 300 reads!*

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