39.) What you get him for Christmas

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Paul: You get him some new black Chelsea boots. You see a grin pop up on his face as he comes over and hugs you. "I love these sweetie" he says as he kisses you passionately.

John: You get him a new Rickenbacker. He holds it like it's his prized possession and then hugs you really tightly while giving you a sweet little kiss."I absolutely love it Y/N" he says with a giant grin. "I knew you would John" you reply with a chuckle.

George: You get him a large supply of jelly babies. "Thanks love, I absolutely love this thoughtful gift" he says with a huge grin while embracing you into a gigantic bear hug.

Ringo: You get him some new drum sticks. "I absolutely love these dear! Thank you so much" He says with a huge smile on face. "Your very welcome Rings" You reply with a grin as he hugs you ever so tightly.

I hope you guys enjoyed!
It's my birthday today (:
I hope you guys have been having a lovely day!

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