Chapter 28

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*Corey's POV*

"C'mon let's go!" I exclaimed opening the door to the house.

I was suprised it was unlocked.

But I wasn't worrying about that.

Raven needed me.

I looked around.

Then I heard screaming. I knew it was Raven's scream.

"C'mon!" I shouted again as me, Craig and Paul ran up the stairs.

I threw the door open to the room Raven was screaming in.

When I was in, I couldn't beleive my eyes.

Raven was a bloody mess on the ground with her mother on top of her.

"Call the police!" I shouted to Craig as Paul yanked her off Raven.

I ran over to Raven and kneeled down next to her.

I softly picked her up and held her in my arms.

"Raven." I said softly shaking her.

I was scared.

'Did her mother kill her?'

Tears were in my eyes after I asked myself that.

"Raven." I said again, but more frantically.

No answer.

"Raven please open your eyes." I begged moving a strand of hair away from her face.

I pressed my ear to her chest and held my breath.

I couldn't hear anything.

So I listened closer.

That's when I heard it.

I could hear her faint heartbeat.

I sighed in releif.

She was okay.

I felt a sob building up in my throat.

I cried softly and held Raven's small body against my chest.

"Your okay." I whispered.

Then, I felt shifting under me.

I looked down at Raven.

Her eyes were open.

"Corey..." She said softly.

I let out a sob.

"You're here." She said softly.

I nodded.

I heard her whimper. "It hurts Corey." She cried.

I rubbed her back. "Its going to be okay Raven. Craig's calling the police and Paul's got your mother." I said soothingly.

Raven shook her head. "She's not my mother." Even though her voice was weak, I could still hear venom inside it.

What did she mean?

But before I could ask, Raven spoke.

"Sing me a song."

I nodded.

I knew what she wanted to hear.

'She seems dressed in all of me.

Stretched across my shame.

All the torment and the pain.

Leaked through and covered me.

I'd do anything to have her to myself.

Just to have her for myself.

Now I don't know what to do.

I don't know what to do...

When she makes me sad.'

I looked at Raven.

She was shutting her eyes.

"Sing the chorus." She said weakly.

I nodded again.

'But I won't let this build up inside of me.

I won't let this build up inside of me.

I won't let this build up inside of me.

I won't let this build up inside of me.'

Just then, Craig walked in.

"They're here." He said.

I nodded and looked down at Raven.

I softly picked her up, and followed Craig.

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