Chapter 6: Meeting the Avengers

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***Here is another one for you. I've just been on holiday and had no internet or cell service. It was awesome :) so I was writing the next chapter to pass the time when I had finished my new book. Hope you like.***

(Alexis P.O.V)

Calming down from crying on Peppers' shoulder, she made me a sandwich since I was still hungry after the peaches. It was the best sandwich ever and I have no idea what was in it. All I know is that it was delicious. I decided, while eating the sandwich, that Pepper was awesome because she didn't ask questions when I cried. She just held me and was there for me. Bruce is nice too. He rubbed my back soothingly as Pepper held me. He left as I was eating though. He mumbled something about a lab and an experiment which piked my curiosity, but I was too unsure and scared to ask what he was mumbling about. After finishing my sandwich Pepper and I went back out to the lounge and that is where I am currently.

Sitting in between Pepper and Nat, I survey everyone in the room quickly. Tony was on the other side of Pepper while Thor is sitting on the opposite couch alongside a man with short, slightly spiky, brown hair. In the corner of the room was a pale man with long, black hair that was slicked back from his face. He had a book in his hands and seemed to be completely absorbed in it. My gaze then shifted to the last man. He had short blonde hair and had a brown leather jacket. He was the one with Tony outside the building the other day, I realize. I also realize that everyone, apart from black haired man, is looking at me. Realising this, I quickly avert my eyes to look at the ground as I start to grow increasingly uncomfortable.

"Alexis, I would like you to meet the Avengers," Nat smiles, as I glance quickly around the room.

"You're t...the A..Avengers?" I ask quietly.

"You know...The people who saved New York a few years ago from an alien attack," She says. I rack my brains trying to recall anything about an alien attack. Then I remember something big happening while I was in a coma for 2 weeks after my father had pushed me down 3 flights of stairs.

"I wasn't awake when that happened," I whispered shakily.

"What do you mean you weren't awake?" Nat asked curiously. 

"I was in a coma," I mutter. I see her eyes widen in surprise. I bet she didn't expect that, I think to myself.

"Oh...well...anyway, let me introduce you to everyone." She points to the brown-haired man and says "This is Clint Barton. His Avenger name is Hawkeye." I nod and wave at him slightly. He smiles and nods back. Next, she points to the brown leather jacket man.

"This is Steve Rogers. His Avenger name is Captain America." She tells me as Steve nods his head at me and gives me a smile. I grin slightly in response.

"And finally we have Loki, Thor's brother." She says, indicating to the black haired man. He doesn't look up or do anything to acknowledge that he was listening. I shrug mentally and wonder why he wasn't with the rest of us. 

"Don't mind Loki. He prefers reading rather than socializing," Nat whispers in my ear.

"Oh," I  mouth, as a yawn escapes me, which calls Tony's attention to me.

"You should probably get some rest since you still need to recover from your battle wounds," Tony says, winking at me. 

"I'll take her to the spare room next to ours," Pepper tells Tony as she stands up. "Come on Alexis," she smiles at me as she starts to walk to the door that I had come through with Tony. I scramble up and walk behind her.

"Sleep well Alexis," I hear Nat call after me. I turn my head around and smile slightly, waving at everyone as they wave at me. I follow Pepper to the elevator and we go up a few floors.

"This is mine and Tony's private floor," Pepper tells me as we walk along.

"Are you sure you want me on your private floor?" I whisper shakily.

"Of course," she smiles. "That way we know that you're safe"

I nod and look around. I yawn again and blink my eyes tiredly. Pepper smiles down at me and
opens a door. She gestures for me to go in. I walk in and gasp. The room was huge. The walls were all white. There was a huge king size bed off to one side with a blue ombré duvet. There was a window seat on the other side of the room that looked out to the city below. There was a big TV on the wall along with couches in front of it.

"You like it?" I hear Pepper ask from behind me.

"This is amazing. It's almost my dream bedroom" I smile as I walk further into the room.

"Well if we decide to keep you then we can turn it into your dream bedroom. But for now, this door leads off to into your own bathroom," Pepper gestures to a door close to the bed, " and this is your very own walk-in wardrobe" She smiles, gesturing to a door next to the bathroom door.

I walk slowly over to the bed and jump up on it. I lay down and it felt like I was floating on a cloud. Pepper walks over and sits on the edge of the bed and brushes my hair out of my face.

"Mine and Tony's room is directly opposite this one so if you need one of us just knock on it or just ask J.A.R.V.I.S." She says softly. I nod as she stands up and walks over to the door.

"Sleep well Alexis" she whispers as she closes the door. I turn on my side and close my eyes, wondering how this happened to me and how much I hope it isn't a dream as I drift off to sleep.

(Tony's P.O.V)

When Alexis and Pepper leave the room, I stand up and go to the kitchen. I lean back against the bench, fold my arms and stare at the floor. My thoughts scattered which is an unusual feeling for me. Alexis's eyes reminded me so much of Ayden's. I sigh and jump as I hear Steve's voice.

"You alright, Stark?" He questions as he walks in.

"Yea course," I smirk at him, trying to play off his concern.

"Why'd you bring the girl back here?" He asks as he grabs a glass and fills it with water.

"I thought it was the best place," I answer shrugging. He nods and takes a drink. Silence echoes between us for a while.

"Did you know I had a daughter?" I blurt out, staring at the ground again. I just felt like I needed to tell someone else besides Pepper. 

"A daughter?" I can hear the disbelief in his voice as he places down his glass.

"Yea," I smile faintly, "Who would have believed it?"

"What was she like?" Steve inquires

"She was the best thing to happen to me. She had dark curls and a smile that could get her anything she wanted. She and I did everything together." I can see Steve lean against the island. "And then one night she got taken from me. I was down tinkering in the shop and someone came and took her from me. I was too late to save her. I don't know if she is still alive." I take a deep breathe and look up at the ceiling.

"I'm guessing you looked for her?" 

I laugh harshly, "I spent countless weeks and months scouring this city and what seemed like the world. I didn't want to put it out publicly because who knows who would have turned up with a random child claiming to have my precious Little Angel. I kept Ayden out of the media so she and I wouldn't have to deal with that press," Fighting to keep the tears at bay, I take another deep breath," Pepper was the one who brought me back to earth. Ayden had been missing for 2 years and I hadn't stopped looking. Pepper showed up and helped me realise that I couldn't help my daughter if I killed myself in the process."

"Does Alexis remind you of your daughter?" Steve asks.

"Her eyes look exactly like Ayden's, my daughters," I say smiling.

Steve nods and asks "How old would Ayden be today?"

I think for a moment before answering, "She would have been 13. She was taken 10 years ago."

Steve nods again. "I wonder how old Alexis is?" he muses.

***And another Chapter up!!!***

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